Testing Testing 1 2 3-- Chapter 16

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"Congratulations, Percy, you passed," said a booming voice. 

Leo cheered. No one tried to shut him up. "What did I pass exactly?" I asked no one in particular.

The others shrugged. Estelle started crying. I heard the door open. I spun around. It was Athena. "You passed the test," she said. 

She walked toward me, almost tripping over Bob. She bent over and patted him on the shoulder. "Athena, I'm sorry-" Bob started.

"No need for that. You can stay up on Olympus with the gods, you've proven yourself worthy." 

Bob looked up at her, "Really?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

He cheered and ran from the room screaming, "I'm free from Tartarus!"

Athena turned her attention to me. "What test?" I asked her.

"I wanted you to prove that you loved Annabeth enough,"

Well, this was unnecessary. "You could have just asked me."

"No, that's boring. We, the other gods and I, wanted entertainment."

Of course they did. Classic gods. She walked over to the cage and opened it. "Apollo!" she called out.

In a bright flash, the god of the sun showed up. "You rang?" he said.

"Yeah, go heal the blonde one in the corner. Her baby too. I can only do so much."

"Sure thing sis."

Apollo strutted over to Annabeth and pulled out some ambrosia. He put some up to her mouth and force-fed it to her. "She and the baby will be fine," Apollo said. "She just needs some time to wake up."

"Can we go home now?" Leo asked.

"Of course," Athena said.

And with a wave of her hand, we were all home.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to wrap this up. Did this end the way you thought it would? Comment your answer, I love reading your comments.

A Love Story: PercabethDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora