Another Big Ope, But Bigger-- Chapter 5

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Percy POV

The police officer drove me to the hospital. His sirens weren't on, as that's illegal, so it took a while to get to the hospital. He dropped me off in front of the ER entrance. He waved goodbye and left.

As soon as I got into the hospital, I went to the front desk and asked if I could see Annabeth. "Sorry, kiddo, you can't. She just got here, and is inches away from death," she paused. "Maybe I shouldn't have put it that way. Anyways, you get the idea."

I felt dizzy as I went to sit in one of the chairs in the waiting room. I called my mom and told her what happened.

My head was spinning. "Why would she try to kill herself?" I asked my mom, who arrived as soon as I told her.

"Percy, often times when a person kills themselves it is because they are in such a deep dark hole and they cannot see the light," my mom said.

"But Annabeth didn't show any signs of suicide or anything. She never opened up to me." I sobbed into my mother's arms.

"Percy, she may have been fighting for a long time but you might not have noticed."

"I would never be so ignorant with her!" I wiped the tears from my eyes. We sat in silence and watched TV. The news was on. My mom rubbed my back.

"Breaking news," the anchor said. "3 young couples vanished from their homes in the past week. The suspect is shown here."

On the screen, there was a picture of a man with long white hair in a blue janitor's suit. He was holding a broom.

"Witnesses claim he came into their apartment buildings disguised as a janitor. One eyewitness says she saw him watching a girl and her boyfriend. The next day they went missing." On the screen, there was a photo of Jason and Piper.

"It's Jason and Piper!" I said. 

"We'll see you after this quick break," another anchor said.

I turned to my mom. "Jason and Piper are missing."

I sat in shock. My mom patted my arm and said, "I'm sure the police will find them."

We watched the commercials. The one about cat food was interrupted by the news channel. "Even more breaking news," The anchor said adjusting his tie. "This video was sent to the police moments ago," he said.

The screen went to the clip. It was the suspect. Now that I saw him fully, I kinda recognized him. I just couldn't place my finger on it.

The video played. The suspect said, "Bob says hello."

A Love Story: Percabethحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن