I'm Always Wrong-- Chapter 10

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The men in black led me to the elevator, "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"We're taking you to see our boss," the dude holding onto my arm said.

To be honest with you I assumed the other guys were mute. Mister Holding My Arm Too Tight, was definitely the boss man out of the three of them. "Who's your boss?" I asked panic filling my voice. If it wasn't 'mysterious voice lady' than there was no way I'd make it to Annabeth, or anyone else.

"We can't tell you that," one of the dudes that I thought was mute said.

So I was wrong. Maybe the other one was mute. "Yeah, we can't tell you," the other supposed to be mute guy said.

Wrong again. 

When the elevator reached floor 100, we got out and walked to door 128. Mister Holding My Arm Too Tight, lifted his sunglasses to reveal icy blue eyes that bore into your soul. The device on the door scanned his eyes and then beeped and he was let in.

When the door opened I was hit with a blast of warm air, which made me realize how cold I was. I shivered. I was running out of time. How do I make out of here alive? I need to make it to them.  

The three dudes walked around leaving me on the ground, the door shut. This was my chance. Assuming they were monsters, I pulled out Riptide and uncapped the pen. I swung it at one of the dudes that I thought was mute. He turned to dust. The other two men in black noticed and tackled me to the ground. I turned onto my back and stabbed Mister Holding My Arm Too Tight he turned to dust. The other guy slowly backed away. "Yeah, you better run!" I screamed at him before I ran out the door.

I know it's been forever. I'm sorry. But I have two words for you SWIM PRACTICE. Any other swimmer would understand, swimming takes up a lot of time. Plus the holidays are coming up so I'm busy cat-proofing all holiday things. Plus math is a pain in the butt sometimes. (comment and vote if you feel the same way) No more excuses. Share, Vote, and Comment

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