•Marvel as Actors/Actresses•

953 33 19

(Y/n) created a chatroom
(Y/n) added Chris, Scarlett, Elizabeth, Jeremy, Robert, Sebastian and Anthony

(Y/n)- hey guys! how are you all? :3

Elizabeth- Hey too (Y/n)! We're fine :)

Sebastian- look who's here. it's my fav girl ;)

Chris- What do you mean YOUR fav girl? We all know it's mine ;)

(Y/n)- omg wtf Chris it's really hard to imagine that you're being flirtatious. After all you're Captain freaking America.

Scarlett- i sense drama

Jeremy- lol true B)

Robert- hey, we all know that I'm the flirtatious king here ;)

(Y/n)- not you too... *sighing intensifies*

Anthony- lol (Y/n)'s in trouble.

(Y/n)- somebody pls help me...

Mark joined the chat
Chris joined the chat

Mark- Hi (Y/n)! :)

(Y/n)- Hello Mark! :)

Chris- Hi (Y/n)! Do you mind if I come to your house?

(Y/n)- Sure! But first, can you tell me which Chris?

Chris- Hemsworth

Chris- Evans

(Y/n) changed Chris to Chris.H
(Y/n) changed Chris to Chris.E

(Y/n)- done~!

Sebastian- can I come to your house too? :>

(Y/n)- Sure! Just don't make a mess.

Chris.E- count me in!

Elizabeth- Me too!

Scarlett- Me three!

Jeremy- Me fourth!

Anthony- Me fifth!

Robert- I will bring some food and drinks to your place.

Anthony- yay foodehhh!!!

(Y/n)- lol thanks robert love ya! :D <3

Robert- love you too <3

Everyone left the chat
Chris.P has joined the chat
Zoe has joined the chat
Ryan has joined the chat
Paul has joined the chat

Chris.P- oh look! (Y/n) made a party at her house!

Zoe- I wanna join them!

Ryan- Count me in!

Paul- me too! :O :3

Chris.P- let's get going then

Chris.P left the chat
Zoe left the chat
Ryan left the chat
Paul left the chat
Chatroom has closed

𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin