~Pietro Maximoff x Reader One- Shot~

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Holy fuckin' chicken meatballs! Over 5k reads??!!! THAT'S AWESOMEEE!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH THAT IT'S UNBELIVABLE! <333

Sorry for the late update tho... I've been busy doing school assignments and so on.

Enough of my rant. Here's a Pietro x reader chatroom + one shot. Enjoy~ ;)

Warning: A bit cheesy (or too cheesy) lol X) :3

(F/i/f)= Fav ice-cream flavor

Pietro created a chatroom
Pietro added Wanda

Pietro- Umm, Wanda...

Wanda- Yes, brother?

Pietro- I want some advice from you.

Wanda- Is it important?

Pietro- Yeah.

Wanda- Hmm... Since you're pretty serious than before... then sure!

Clint entered the chatroom
Wanda cleared the chatroom history

Pietro- Thanks sestra (sister) :3

Wanda- We can talk about it right here bc it's too late to move now.

Pietro- ok

Clint- Talk about what?

Wanda- Aké rady mi chcem povedať? (What kind of advice you want me to tell you?)

Pietro- Je to asi (Y/n)... (It's about (Y/n)...)

Clint- wth are u guys talkin' about? Why the hell is there (Y/n)'s name?! Bruce help me pls

Clint added Bruce

Bruce- Sorry, I'm busy right now. Ask them yourself.

Bruce left the chat

Wanda- Vedel som to!!! Blahoželáme bratovi!Chcete jej dnes vyznávať? (I knew it!!! Congrats brother! Are you gonna confess to her today?)

Pietro- Áno, ale nevedela som, kde ju priviesť. Viete, čo je jej obľúbené jedlo alebo niečo také? (Yeah, but I didn't really know where to bring her. Do you know what's her favourite food or something?)

Wanda- *facepalms* You didn't know her fav food?! How long have you been bestfriends?!

Pietro- Dunno?

Wanda- *sighs* Chocolates and ice-cream, her fav food.

Pietro- Ok! Thanks you so much Wanda ily :DDD

Wanda- wc :)

Pietro left the chat
Wanda left the chat

Clint- Wtf they ignored me? Hmph! Fine... I'll go see Tony and Nat then! >:)

Clint left the chat


You watched the tv boredly, as random shows plays on the screen.

'Ugh! Why today is freakin' boring?! I better go for a walk,' you thought to yourself.

You stood up and was about to walk when someone, past you in a blur. You immediately know who it is.

"Hi Pietro!" You greeted him with a smile.

"Hi (Y/n)," he replied, winking at you making your whole face to blush.

"Well I gotta go."

"Wait!" He grabbed your arm, making your blush worse.

"What is it Pietro?"

"I want to bring you out right now. Is that ok? Are you busy?" He asked nervously. You wonder why.

"No, I'm free right now. And I will go out with you."

He fist bumped in the air like a child and you giggled.

'Damn her giggle is cute," Pietro thought, blushing.

'Wait... Is he blushing? Nah, just my imagination," you thought.

"Let's go then!" Pietro says excitedly.


"What ice-cream flavour do you want?" The ice-cream seller asked Pietro and you.

"I would like vanilla."

"And I would like (f/i/f), please," you said.

After a few seconds, the ice-cream seller gave you two your ice-cream.

"Here's your ice-cream. Enjoy!" The ice-cream seller smiled at you both as you smiled back.

After a few minutes eating your ice-cream, Pietro asked you.

"(Y/n), I want to show you something."

Before you could reply, Pietro carried you in a bridal style and within a seconds, you two have arrived.

"Wow. That was fast," you said, blushed a bit.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nat asked Clint in curiousity.

"Yeah! Stop worrying about the plan, Nattie!" Clint said, as he and Tony high-fiving each other.

"Boys..." Nat sighed but continued the plan anyway.

~Back to reader and Pietro ;)~

"Ste roztomilý, keď sa červenate..." Pietro almost whispered to you. (You're cute when you're blushing...)

"Umm... what was that?" You asked.

"Nothing! Umm, (Y/n), can I tell you something?"

"Sure! What is it, Piet?" You asked, grinning.

"I really really like you. So... will you be my girlfriend?" Pietro asked nervously, which was rare for you.

"Omg Pietro yes!!!" You jumped into Pietro's arms and he spins you around.

You two were about to kiss when something, rather someone shouted.

"YES!! MY SHIP HAS SAILED AT LAST!" Clint yelled happily.

"I gotta tell Wanda about this," Nat said, smirking at the two of you.

"Well, what are you two waiting for? Kiss!" Tony said, smirking too.

You two blushed but kissed anyway. You heard cheers and yells behind of you two but none of you cared.

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