•Death Note Part 3•

372 11 6

{ One Week Later }

Tony created a chatroom
Tony invited everyone ( in the team )

Tony- Man, today was soo tiring...

Nat- No shit Sherlock

(Y/n)- ikr?

Bruce- Well, at least we get to defeat the guys...

Thor- Brother Banner is right! :D

Clint- ok-

Unknown has entered the chat

Tony- ugh! What now...

Unknown- (Y/n)! I need your help!

Steve- Who are you?

(Y/n)- Yeah! Who the heck are you?! How do you know my name?!

Unknown- Relax... You've met me before.

Nat- Stop talking nonsence >:(

Unknown- ...*sighs* Don't you remember me and Misa?

Clint- oh

Clint- Oh I get it!

(Y/n)- what do you want with me Imagay?

Unknown- ...

Tony- Pfft XDDD

Steve- I don't understand...

Pietro- omg

Wanda- sAvAGe

Unknown- Enough of all this jokes! (Y/n), you told me before that you've watched an anime version of us. Can you tell me what's L real name?

(Y/n)- And why is that?

Unknown- Because he keeps accusing me for being Kira...

(Y/n)- Stupid reason. Well, aren't you Kira?

Tony- Can you just stop bothering us? We're really tired from a mission.

Nat- Yeah, he's right.

Unknown- ...

Clint- hah! Speechless

Unknown- You want me to write your name?

Clint- try me B)

(Y/n)- Said the guy who wanted to kill my bias.

Steve- ...what?

Unknown joined the chat
Unknown changed Unknown to L

L- I am L.

(Y/n)- *fangirls in her room*

Bruce- (Y/n) still has the energy to fangirl, even though she's tired. I'm proud.

Bruce left the chat

Tony- How dare you make me like this Bruce?! I'm your science bro, yet so hard to make you proud :<

Thor- Aww! Man of Iron is sulking because of Brother Banner!

Tony- shut up! T_T

Unknown- Enough of this drama! *annoyed tone*


Clint- ahahahahahahahahahahajhahah

(Y/n)- serve you right Imagay

L- Well, you, Yagami Light, are indeed Kira. My calculations never failed. I'm always right.

(Y/n)- Yes that's true.

L- Thanks :)

(Y/n)- Wc ^///^

Unknown- ughhh!

Clint and Nat- Aww! <3

Steve- It's very sweet, even though I didn't really understand what was going on.

Thor- I agree with Brother Steven! :D

L and (Y/n)- Shut up! O///O

Unknown- *pukes*


Nat- I

Clint- MA

Tony- Gay~ ;)

Thor- Shame!

Unknown- ...

Unknown- fine!

Unknown left the chat

L- Thx (Y/n). With your help, I know who is Kira now.

(Y/n)- hehe np

L- I guess this is goodbye.

(Y/n)- ...Good bye :(

L- I'm really looking forward to meet you again, (Y/n)... :'(

Clint- *cries*

Tony- is that


Wanda- Aww! :')

Nat- you guys are here at the whole time?!

Pietro- Yes..?

Pietro- It's so cute and romantic <3

L- Good bye..

(Y/n)- Bye </3

Clint- Good by-

L left the chat

Clint- wow I'm not being bothered...

Wanda- lol

(Y/n)- Let's have a movie night and order some pizzas! :D

Thor- YAY! :DDD

Everyone left the chat
Peter P entered the chatroom

Peter P- What did I miss?


Hey guys! Sorry for the really late update. I'm having a minor Author's Block.

Aaand the Death Note Avengers Crossover ends here, which means no requests for a Part 4. YaithzaTarin I hope you like it :)

Stay Tuned till the next chapter :D

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