~Special Day~

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Guess who's birthday today...

Me! X) <3 *hands you all Avengers merchandise*

So, this is my gift to you all.

Sorry if there's any mistake and lack of ideas.. :(

Enjoy! :D XP

"Hey (N/n). Let's go out for some shopping or whatever you like."

"Oh sure! But I--"

"It's my treat, sweetheart. Don't worry."


"Psst guys.. Let's plan about the party," Clint says in a secretive whisper tone.

"What party???" Thor asks, mouth full of poptarts like always.

"About (Y/n)'s birthday, dumbass," Loki says straightforwardly.

"Wait when did you arrive-- well it doesn't matter I guess..." Thor sighs, which earn a smirk from Loki.

"Let's plan about this at the living room, since Tony brought her out already. He left some cash for us to use for the party. To be honest, it is a lot," Steve says/states. Bruce nodded in agreement.

Nat chuckled. "Typical Tony."


[ Timeskip to a few hours ]

"Tony... Can we go back to the Avengers Tower now?" You asked tiredly as you carried the shopping bags. Tony carried for you too.

"Yeah. But lemme call someone first okay, sweetpea? Wait here," Tony says as he go farther away from you to call someone, but you still can see him though. You were dumbfounded on why on earth would he act like this. But oh-- it's a free shopping treat from the billionaire, who doesn't want it?

After he spoke to someone, he went back to your place and said, "Let's go to the tower. I've something to show you."

You just nodded, not knowing anything.

[ Short Timeskip ]

You two finally arrived at the tower. Tony went into the tower first with some of the shopping bags. You have a feeling that something awaits for you in there. But you ignore that feeling and carry some of the shopping bags.

Once you arrive at the main hall, you almost fall because you bump into something.

'Why the hell it's so dark here?' You thought and muttered a colourful strings of words.

You reach for the light switch and...


You were surprised and happy. They begin to sing the 'Happy Birthday' song. Steve, Nat, Thor, Bruce, Tony, Clint, Wanda, Vision and even Loki is here! You begin to register what is happening and begin to tear up.

"Thanks guys.." You said, being emotional on the moment.

Wanda brought the (f/f) rather large cake for you to blow the candles. You did it, and Wanda keep the cake on the table. All of a sudden, you feel a lot of arms around you. Yay group hugs!

"Your welcome, (N/n)."

"Hope your wishes come true!"

"We love you (Y/n)."

And they also say different nice stuff. You smiled gratefully and said,

"I love you guys too.."

You all broke up from the hug and Clint yelled.


Everyone laugh, including you. This is the best day and family you've ever had.

"Oh and your gifts are under there."

Nat says, motioning to the presents that were covered in a red silk like cloth to cover. You nodded excitedly.

"Let's eat first!"


Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me! :DDD

Two chapters in a day yusss! :D

If you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote! :3

Stay tuned till the next chappie~

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