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He knew he'd have to face this question someday but so far, all he's done is avoid it like the plague. Every time he spared a thought about it, the more he felt burdened.

Eventually, Taehyung ended up abandoning that question. For a minute there, all he could do was stare into the distance, unable to come up with answers.

"It shames me to say this but I- I really don't know Yoongi" A sigh was let loose from Yoongi's lips. "I understand that it's difficult, Your Highness but I feel as though you've only escaped from it. Am I correct?"

Taehyung managed a timid nod, looking down. "As both a friend and an assistant, I suggest you spend some time to think about it. Telling the kid much later could result in a huge disaster"

Yoongi pushed Taehyung's shoulder so he sat up properly, making sure Taehyung was listening to every word he said.

"I'm certain you don't want that" Yoongi held Taehyung's back balmily and looked at him for confirmation. Taehyung shook his head firmly.

"I know you'll make the right decision" Yoongi picked up Taehyung's empty cup after patting his shoulder and exited from the balcony, leaving Taehyung deep in his thought.

Taehyung felt trapped and it did not put him at ease. He wondered about the choices he's provided with, either he tells Jungkook exactly why he's doing what he's executing or let time do its work regardless of whether it'll be greeted by Jungkook with a smile or worse...

Taehyung heaved out a sigh and rested his head on the balcony, putting his arm under it for comfort. He let the soft breeze graze his face as he hoped that he'll know what to do very quick.

- - -


It was the weekend and all of my brothers happened to be home, it was almost 10 in the morning but none of their bedroom doors seemed like they would be opened any sooner. I was downstairs in the kitchen, helping Jo prepare breakfast.

"Jo, I was reading my book the other day but there were a few pages of a whole chapter torn out" I murmured. "Well did you find them?" She handed me a pair of tongs to flip the sausages in the pan.

I shook my head, "Don't know where to find them". "Why don't you begin by looking in the library, that's the only place where it could possibly be"

My nose crinkled, "Oh...there". I've thought of it before but the place is just so dusty and very cramped, so the library isn't exactly my favorite part of the house. "But it's so nasty there" I grumbled. "I would've cleaned that place ages ago if it wasn't for my terrible asthma, sorry Jungkook"

"How about I call up a cleaner to sweep up the library for you? That way, you'll feel a tad bit comfortable in there" Jo suggested. "No that won't be necessary, I'll only be there for a short while" I arranged the plates on the table, shaking my head.

"Everything's ready now go wake your brothers" she patted my back. Waking all four of my older brothers up was an act that required much effort for they slept like a log, they weren't interested in making it easier for me either especially Hoseok who kept pulling me into his bed with him.

Minutes later, I managed to make their asses come down for breakfast. As we ate in silence with only the sound of munching that could be heard, Namjoon spoke up "I've never had such delightful breakfast in so long, thank you Jungkook and Jo"

"Easy on the food dearie, we don't want you choking on your meal " Jo wiped the crumbs on his face with a tissue. Namjoon only did as much as giggle and smiled lazily with his sleepy eyes, the others chuckled at him as they ate.

It was a pleasant thing to see my brothers like this. At rare times like these, they'd appear like normal people, my caring brothers, truly warm people and not wild beings as how I normally viewed them.

Breakfast was over and I was outside playing frisbee with a raccoon. Not really play but more like trying to pry off the wild animal from bringing it far into the trees. It randomly came towards me from the woods after it noticed my bright-coloured frisbee.

Its presence didn't bug me as it was pretty harmless, besides it looked adorable playing around with the toy. Hoseok skipped out of the house after he saw me through the living room window, I assumed. "I see you made a friend" he chortled, patting the raccoon on the head that was busy biting the frisbee.

Minutes passed by my other brothers came out as well to take a closer look at my newfound pal.


The boys were having a great laugh playing around with the raccoon but they failed to notice a pair of eyes looking at them from the flower bushes near the glade. The owner of the eyes grew worried the more he looked at them.

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