[ 21 ]

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Taehyung had given me five days to think about what I wanted to do. That was plenty of time for me to think about how my options would affect me in the long run. I was in a dilemma, both of my choices had their pros and cons. If I went with Taehyung, I'd be able to feel joy in life again but I may never see Jo again and my brothers. Though due their constant absence, it felt somewhat futile to weigh in that factor.

However, if I stay with Jo here at this almost lifeless mansion, Jo wouldn't need to worry about me. I knew she loved me, more than my parents ever did. It was a bitter pill to swallow but I've come to terms with it long ago. But then, I'd be forever stuck in this place, alone and nobody to share my feelings with.

Taehyung had told me if I decided to go with him, I had to wait for him by the hill on the fifth day, an hour before sunset to be exact. However, if I choose to stay, I mustn't go near the hill nor the edge of the forest on the fifth day. Then, Yoongi won't bring me to the glade ever again and Taehyung will not appear before my eyes anymore.

That was the law in Taehyung's kingdom. It was simple enough, you either stay or you don't, at all.

I looked out my window, seeking comfort in the slowly-changing colour of the sky to a purplish orange as dusk neared.


Fifth day came like a breeze. I rose up from my bed, took one last look at everything that sat inside my bedroom and sighed as I forced a smile. I shut the door and walked to my brother's rooms and like I assumed, they were all empty. It would've been more shocking if I found Namjoon and the others snoring in their beds.

Next, I tiptoed downstairs to Jo's room. I peered inside to see Jo napping with one leg hanging from her bed. I quietly went inside, lifting her leg onto the bed and kneeling down next to the bed. I observed her serene expression. Seeing her sleeping soundly made me weak. Tears welled up in my eyes and I hastily wiped them away.

I hated leaving her but I couldn't bear staying here, not anymore. I left a light kiss on her cheek and pressed a firm hug to Jo, all the while making sure that she was still asleep. I took one last look at her and spun around on my heels, quickly exiting the room. I made my way out the house through the front door.

As I hiked up the hill, I glanced behind me to see what was my house and sped up my pace to reach the top of the hill.

"Jungkook...", there he was, Taehyung with his hands clasped together as he waited patiently for me. I ran into his arms and almost fell to my feet, fortunately Taehyung swiftly caught me.


Jungkook sobbed right then and there, feeling overjoyed and sorrowful at once. "It's okay Jungkook, it'll be alright. I will make sure of it", Taehyung reassured, stroking Jungkook's head. "Taehyung, I know that when people go to your place their memories of the real world disappear but can you not erase mine, please?", Jungkook looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"There are many precious memories of mine that I don't want to forget, I don't want to forget Jo either". Taehyung nodded, feeling empathy. "Would it be possible for me to visit Jo later, in any way possible? I just want to let her know that I'm safe", Jungkook requested. Taehyung thought deeply for a moment. "It has never been done before and you may not be able to visit this world frequently, but a visit or two can be arranged", Taehyung smiled warmly.

Jungkook was fine with that, he was thankful that Taehyung was willing to make exceptions. "Ready to go?", Taehyung motioned to the white arches with flowers growing around them. Jungkook didn't notice they was there before and and he was certain the arches would disappear as soon as Taehyung and him went through it. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smiled as he nodded, lets go.


Jungkook propped up his chin on his folded arms on the wall of the balcony of the palace. He sat there and closed his eyes. He paid close attention to the sounds of birds chirping, the sounds of people chatting and moving about down below and took solace in them. His mind was put at ease by the evening wind slowly passing by him and he sighed in bliss.

A pat on his back caused Jungkook to open his eyes and straighten his back. "Settling in okay?", Taehyung asked as he gazed at the view. "Mhmm", Jungkook hummed, leaning his head on Taehyung's body. Taehyung grinned, kissing the top of Jungkook's head and stroking his cheek as a silent consolation.

Taehyung held Jungkook's chin as he bent down towards Jungkook's face. Taehyung boldly pressed a long kiss on Jungkook's lips and rested his forehead onto Jungkook's, grinning playfully. Given the little distance between them, Jungkook couldn't help but to look into Taehyung's eyes. He smiled as he closed his eyes, feeling contented.

Everything is okay now.


Jo sat on the bench that was located outside the front door. She had been there for a while, simply staring at the sun which was setting in the horizon at the hill with flowers. It had been weeks since Jungkook's disappearance was reported to the police and there were no leads that could hint at his whereabouts. His missing person's case went cold quickly, there wasn't much the authorities could do to solve the case after countless of search parties were held.

Jo's facial expressions were sullen, she was alone. If Jungkook was here right now, he'd ask me what was wrong, Jo thought to herself. Truth was, Jungkook was there. Only difference was that he was not by Jo's side. He was watching her from behind a tree that stood tall next to the house, obviously she had no knowledge that Jungkook was only five feet away from her.

Slowly, Jungkook made his way towards Jo with the intention of letting his presence being known. "Jo", Jungkook called out from behind the bench. Hearing that familiar voice made Jo's head quickly turn. She gasped and pushed herself up. She dashed towards Jungkook and gave him a tight hug, not letting go.

"Where have you been Jungkook? Do you know how worried I was?", Jo cried. She eventually released the hug, "I missed you so much". "I missed you too Jo, but I can't stay long", said Jungkook. "I've decided to stay with Taehyung, the price of the glade I talked about", Jungkook's voice faltered towards the end of his sentence.

"Why Jungkook?", Jo asked as more tears flowed from her eyes. "I love you a lot Jo but I'm not happy here, I'm just not happy", Jungkook's voice cracked while he tried holding in his tears from flowing as well. "Please understand me, I can't live like this anymore", he held Jo's hand firmly close to him.

"But how will I see you? I don't want to lose you Jungkook", Jo questioned. "I promise you, you will not lose me and I will never forget you. Taehyung agreed to let me keep my memories", Jungkook comforted her. Jo held Jungkook's face in her shaky hands, looking at him sadly.

She loved this boy dearly, how could she not when she had watched him grow up from a baby to a beautiful boy with her own eyes. It was impossible for Jo not to love Jungkook. Glum as she was, she understood Jungkook perfectly. His life was empty. Seeing Jungkook alone most of the time inside the house pained Jo, she sympathized with him and pitied him.

A male figure appeared at the hill making them both look up to see who it was. It was Taehyung, looking majestic in his attire. Jo looked at Jungkook again. She pressed chaste kisses onto his cheeks and forehead, telling Jungkook that she loved him. Jo hugged Jungkook tighter this time.

"You should go now, it'll get dark soon", Jo forced a smile. "I'll visit you again, I love you Jo", whispered Jungkook before letting go of her hand and walking towards Taehyung. Taehyung flashed his charming smile at Jo and took a deep bow, I will take care of him. Jo nodded, smiling back at him.

Taehyung and Jungkook held hands, looking at each other lovingly. As they looked back at Jo, they disappeared from her sight in the blink of an eye. Jo sighed heavily as her tears threatened to fall again. Slowly, Jo walked into the empty mansion and shut the door behind her, marking the end of her chapter of life with Jungkook.

the end

is this a happy ending or wat cause i cant tell

sorry if this story was boring👉🏼👈🏼

i wonder if anyone would read if i were to write a bxb ateez book, jus wonderin

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