[ 15 ]

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Jungkook became the one to break the peaceful quietness, "How was your day, Prince Taehyung?" Jungkook smirked, looking up at Taehyung. "Oh come on now, no need to address me by my title" Taehyung huffed playfully, giving Jungkook a gentle push.

Jungkook chortled and retreated to Taehyung's side by hugging his arm close to him. This was how they were, they'd be shy around each other every time they meet on a new day but once someone makes the first move to get close to the other, next thing you know, they would toss aside their shyness for another day.

Taehyung looked up and tried to remember all the things he had to tend to that day, "Hmm let's see, I visited most of my subjects today, to see how they were getting on with things. I had meetings with the ministers to discuss how to further improve the management of the kingdom in order for it to work efficiently" Taehyung summarized.

Jungkook gave him a blank look and blinked twice, "Ohh"  His answer was short and it confirmed that he didn't have much knowledge nor interest regarding those things. Taehyung laughed seeing Jungkook's reaction, "Yeah I know, it isn't that interesting but that's what I gotta do".

Jungkook touched a flower that hung loosely above his head and turned his head to Taehyung, "It must be tiring for you" he offered Taehyung a warm smile and turned his attention back to the flower, stroking it with utmost care.

"I mean, the exhaustion is showing on your face, today especially" Jungkook told him, advancing deeper through the long pathway. Taehyung sighed, a contented one at that, contented that Jungkook cared for his well-being.

Taehyung caught up with him and caressed Jungkook's hair as a silent gesture that carried the meaning, thank you for caring about me.

Jungkook was about to proceed ahead until out of the blue, Taehyung motioned him to stop walking. Taehyung inched closer to him, reducing the distance between them. He made Jungkook face him by the shoulders, Taehyung's hands brushed down Jungkook's arms until both of them were holding hands.

Taehyung looked down at Jungkook, unable to calm his heart that was beating uncontrollably at a pace he never thought it could've reached. He was astonished yet satisfied with the sudden courage that surged throughout him that caused him to do what he did.

He had hoped Jungkook didn't catch the sound of his heartbeat or it would've been embarrassing considering they were standing so close together. Meanwhile, Jungkook, too looked up nervously at Taehyung.

As hesitant as he was about the whole situation, he was also inquisitive about what exactly would happen in the next few seconds. Jungkook looked forward to Taehyung's next move, it was like reading an interesting part of a novel.

When a character does a certain kind of motion, at one point the reader would be able to guess on what was to come. And so, it'd get the reader excited and anticipate the next actions of the character.

Right now, Jungkook felt like the reader, aching with anticipation. A little laugh escaped Taehyung as he studied Jungkook's features and his facial expression, a hint of confusion as well as vulnerability that were displayed on his face told Taehyung that Jungkook was feeling the same things he did that exact minute.

When Jungkook showed no signs of feeling any discomfort, a sense of relief washed over Taehyung. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around Jungkook's lower back and briskly pulled him until their chests touched.

Jungkook's hand flew up to Taehyung's upper arm in reflex, he felt a rush of helplessness. It made him gulp and look down, not knowing the best way to react. Taehyung tenderly lifted up Jungkook's chin with his pointer finger, he slowly leaned in and kissed Jungkook's forehead ever so lightly.

He did it again, this time with more force and emotion, and held Jungkook firmer. In turn, Jungkook's hold on Taehyung's arm tightened and he shut his eyes. Everything happened too quickly but the second Taehyung's lips landed on his forehead, it was as if time had stopped.

It granted Jungkook to lose himself in the moment, it also enabled him to relish the sensation he's never felt before. At Taehyung's lips' touch he blossomed like a flower and the incarnation was complete. Unbeknownst to him, a wide smile etched itself onto Jungkook's lips.

However, the moment ended as soon as it occurred. It made everything look like it happened in the blink of an eye. Jungkook personally would've liked to stay in that position longer but  he wasn't going to make that known to anyone.

Taehyung pulled away as his grip on Jungkook loosened, a shy smile making its way onto his face. Jungkook made a courageous move by looking up at the other male instantly but quickly looked away, feeling the embarrassment and his timid self settle back into him.

Witnessing this, Taehyung emitted a low giggle for he was amused by Jungkook's reaction. He swept a stray hair that got in the way of Jungkook's eyes, "Don't be shy, was it that bad?" he asked. "Huh oh no- of course not" Jungkook babbled.

"Please don't be mistaken" Jungkook added, he didn't want Taehyung to feel like he had committed a mistake when in reality, he had been waiting for Taehyung to do so ages ago. "I'm just joking with you" he smirked, rubbing Jungkook's cheek.

They took several minutes to compose themselves and finally, they resumed on their walk.


its a whole cringe fest but i tried, u can prolly tell i originally was gonna make it a liptolip kiss but my finger muscles cringed so hard every time i tried to do so, it hurted. so i went like this instead.

this chap is longer than usual, i wanted to to put some of it in the next chap but that would mean id have to cut the forehead kiss scene in half which just felt too wrong, its kinda like kissin sumbody irl and suddenly stopping to continue it for another day, see what i mean

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