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It's been almost two weeks and we haven't seen or heard anything from the witch. Just after everything happened, we went into a sort of lock down mode. The guys wouldn't let me leave the house unless one of them were with me. Bed time was a nightmare. Me and the guys all worried she would drag me back into another dream walk with her.

As the days went by, and nothing happened the guys seemed to relax more. I could go to work alone, and that's where I find myself now.

I just finished another gas transaction, and now I find myself in a lull in business. I dump the coffee and make a fresh pot. I feel drained, even though I've been getting good sleep. Nothing else has happened with any of the guys, but the sexual tension could be cut with a knife. I've been thinking about the feelings I felt a couple of weeks ago.

My mind wanders to thoughts best left to when I'm not at work. It only serves to frustrate me.

"I see where your mind is wandering."

"Get out of my head Jamie."

I so don't need him in my head right now. Especially where my thoughts are wandering.

"You should give it a shot. They would be all for it."

"Not now Jamie. I'm at work. And the last thing I need to be doing is thinking about a threesome."

This fantasy has been playing over and over in my head since the night I mind connected with Jamie, and he has been giving me grief ever since. While I cherish this connection to him, it's also very frustrating. He's since finally mastered the mind wall, but he rarely uses it. I use mine more than I thought I would. Jamie can be... intrusive. I know he doesn't mean to be, but ever since I let it slip I've been thinking about a little rendezvous with both JJ and Nev, he hasn't let up.

"I'm serious, Beautiful. You might finally mind connect with them. I know it's something you've been worried about. And it's something they are longing for. They want to know you like I do."

I sigh. It's been a point of contention that I'm connected to Jamie and not the other two. They've tried to not let me know how frustrated they are, but I can feel it coming off them in waves.

"I'll think about it." I tell him, then erect my mind wall.

I continue on with my day, ringing people through and cleaning as I go. It's coming toward the end of the night and the young ones start coming in, trying to get that beer and liquor before we close.

The first group that comes in look like teenagers. I already know I'm going to card them, and before I ring them through, I ask for an ID.A couple of them hedge, while giving the third a side eye. HE casually reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet and flips it, ID toward me.

"I'm going to need you to take it out, please." I request pleasantly. He sighs and rolls his eyes and pulls it out with a huff. He holds it up for me to look at, and I hold my hand out for him to pass it to me. He practically shoves it into my hand. I take it and look it over, checking all the appropriate things. The birth date checks out, so i move to the picture. I compare his face to the one looking at me from the ID. Something is off. I compare his face to the ID again, and finally notice it. He has a mole next to his nose, but the person in the picture is lacking that feature.

I tuck the ID under my drawer and tell him there's no way I'm selling to him with a fake ID. His eyes narrow in anger, but I slip my hand under the counter, and lay my hand on the gun underneath, and dare him with my eyes to try something.

"It's a good fake, but your mole gave you away. i would highly suggest you not try anything. It's the law for me to confiscate your ID. You're lucky I'm giving you a chance to just walk away, because it's also the law for me to call the police and report it." His eyes widen in fear. "So your best bet is to leave, and take your friends with you."

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