Aysoars Backstory

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The gang: *just chilling in the living room*

Swap: Uh.. aysoar?

Aysoar: Mhm?

Swap: Well, we all know alot about eatch other and our past but uh...

Aysoar: I know were this is going...

Swap: You never really told us yours...

B:... *he looks kind of afraid*

Aysoar: I suppose... I can tell...

Aysoar: *sighs shaily* Alright...

Aysoar: It all started when...


I was a small child, like any other monster, b and me with our father... his name i don't quite remeber. Me and be would often get home schooled but we had to move away from the capital, and so we did. Father started to go to work more often, and we started public school, father got sick more often despite our king telling him to take the time off. He refused to stop. By this time me and B were in our younger ages almost tweens. Being the only two skeletons in the underground alot of people liked to pick on my brother, despite that i was the smaller one. B started skipping grades due to his fast mental development. Soon enough he was to far ahead that I was left alone and barely able to see him. For most of my life i often was picked on and pushed around, as due it is the same way for alot of other monsters lives. I was just one of the few to have that life. Eventually I started advancing in my mental development aswell and started to catch up with B. Though that didn't stop the teasing and other things. B would try to stick up for me but he was much to caring. Around this time my father was working himself almost to death, I still remeber coming home, B was standing infront of me father had loked like he was in pain as he walked torwards us and gave us his few last words with that he hug us then turned to dust.


B: Brother your crying.. *hes trying not to cry himself*

Aysoar: O-oh Im sorry... I cant help it.

Fell: Ey... its alrighit iv'e been through alot of that crap.. I understand how much it can impact on monsters.

Aysoar: U-uhm anyways...


At that point I started hating everything, asgore decided to take us in, slowly after he lost his own children. B and King Asgore would often try and get me out of my angered state, but i was so set on hating everything that soon enough i lost emotions all together. Soon enoguh B and me moved out as adults.  B devolped a family I just decided to go off and advoid everyone. Later on when B's sons had disspeared he went to find me. At this point I had... alot of problems and thats were things like my PSTD has came in. We went blind for other reasons until we were brought here...


Aysoar: *he starts shaking*

Swap: oh my gosh im so sorry i did't mean to!!

B: Oh my another PSTD attack.... *he quikcly walks over*

Admin: Well shit-takimushrooms that was sad but uhm let end it here...

Admin:Ill make sure Aysoars okay guys.

Admin: Cya!


Inspired by  Suicune400


If you would like his full backstory in one:

I was a small child, like any other monster, b and me with our father... his name i don't quite remeber. Me and be would often get home schooled but we had to move away from the capital, and so we did. Father started to go to work more often, and we started public school, father got sick more often despite our king telling him to take the time off. He refused to stop. By this time me and B were in our younger ages almost tweens. Being the only two skeletons in the underground alot of people liked to pick on my brother, despite that i was the smaller one. B started skipping grades due to his fast mental development. Soon enough he was to far ahead that I was left alone and barely able to see him. For most of my life i often was picked on and pushed around, as due it is the same way for alot of other monsters lives. I was just one of the few to have that life. Eventually I started advancing in my mental development aswell and started to catch up with B. Though that didn't stop the teasing and other things. B would try to stick up for me but he was much to caring. Around this time my father was working himself almost to death, I still remeber coming home, B was standing infront of me father had loked like he was in pain as he walked torwards us and gave us his few last words with that he hug us then turned to dust.  At that point I started hating everything, asgore decided to take us in, slowly after he lost his own children. B and King Asgore would often try and get me out of my angered state, but i was so set on hating everything that soon enough i lost emotions all together. Soon enoguh B and me moved out as adults. B devolped a family I just decided to go off and advoid everyone. Later on when B's sons had disspeared he went to find me. At this point I had... alot of problems and thats were things like my PSTD has came in. We went blind for other reasons until we were brought here...


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