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Admin: HMmmmm *starts the book but it shows as i write it*

Aysoar: What are you doing?

Admin: Going to now.

Aysoar: What the Hell am I looking at? When does this even happen in the book?

B: Now. Whatever you're looking at now, is happening now.

Aysoar:  Well, what happened to then?

B:We just passed it.

Aysoar: When?

B: Just now.

Aysoar: Well, go back to then!!

B:: We can't.

Aysoar: Why not?

B: We already passed it.

Aysoar: When will then be now?

B: Soon.

Aysoar: When was logic!?

B: You mean what?

Aysoar: WHO!?

B: Now what are you talking about.

Aysoar: THEN!>?!??!?!?! *confused so he just knocks out*

Admin: Holy shit.... Logic what did you do to him?

Logc 1-800: Nothin bruh



I need mental help. - Admin

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