View of the Galaxy

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Admin: So, Andros actually making it at home here! He adapts really well. I think he's teaching Swap and Wingdings about the stars in the living room. Stars and Andro talk to much about space, but I like space a lot. So im totally fine with it

Admin: But I and B are going to spy! Common B. *grabs b by the hand and walks to the corner of the door frame*

Swap: Andro, I have a question!

Andro: Yes?

Swap; Why do you exactly like space so much, like what makes it special?

Andro: Well...

Andro:  I love the stars and space as its the best part of the universe to me. The stars and how they glow in the darkest of the nights, there glow give me a warm feeling, something unexplainable. And just the wonders of how each star could go on forever, the beauty of every exact galaxy, and how its stars and planets were unique it is own ways. How the comets would fly through the matter and space leaving behind a trail of a beautiful misty light of debris. The lights are so enlightening, how the colors such as purple and blue would fade into an orange or red across the galaxy Nebulas. Down to every last Atom, the intricate detail and chemistry put into just a single atom only to make up something like a galaxy, and even the universe, filled with this detail. I could go on forever talking about how space and its infinite beauty made my life so much better. And knowing one day I would make it amongst the stars. Space could never be altered or touched by any human and only be altered by the universe its self, that's how special the stars were. Everything including us was made from the stars.

Admin: Holy shit o-o

Wingdings: When you talk about space like that... it's really interesting.

Andro: I do have obession with the galaxys. Sometimes I wonder if thats a bad thing or not.

Admin: *steps out* And this is why space is so cool.

Admin: Ooof, welp-

Admin: CYA in the next chpater, gonna make it an rp chapter!

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