Bored + A Child

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Meanwhile on a random day... on the couch, while fells watching while sleeping in a living room chair...


Admin: Hnghhh I'm bored.... *tiredly laying on andro*

Andro: I don't really know how to help. *he was reading a book*

Admin: Hnghryffbfrureugf I have to many children.

Andro: *he looked at Admin* What?

Admin: I dont actually have a son, -_-

Andro: *sigh* You worried me there.

Admin: *hugs andro* WHY are you so WARMMMMM.... im so tired.....

Andro: Then you should sleep.

Admin: but I dont wanna....

Andro: I can't help you then. 

Admin: I hate my fucking internal conflict... 

Andro: *sighs* You can't help it. 

Admin: *looks  beyond the fourth wall* Also the reason while I'm able to be like this to Andro is because hes my children and i want to... also I'm literally the youngest here. So everyone literally could be my dad... but that would be weird. 

Admin: Wait... now im confused.

Andro: *puts the book down and pats head* You are to adorable for your own good. I have to go now, I'm going to see if Stars and wingdings need and help in the lab. *gets up to put the book away*

Admin: NOoooooo.... comfy ;^; *whines*

Andro: if you want to sleep on someone, you could ask fell... but I doubt he'd let you. 

Admin: ;w; why u leave me... fine, I'll wake up. I wanna come help.

Andro: Alright, though try not to get in the way, I don't think wingdings would be very happy I let you into the lab in the first place.

Admin: Fine............ 

Admin: ALSO I bet your asking 'why tf you acting like a five year old?'

Admin: Its because i can and I want to. I dont get to much love from my 4 person family ;-;

Andro: *he left downstairs*

Admin: *teleported downstairs* .u. Hoi

Wingdings: *he was walking around at a face pace doing calculations and experiments* Admin, I though I had told you not to come down here when me and Stars are working!

Admin: Andro said I could come if I wasn't in the way. *sits on a empty counter eating gummyworms*

Andro: *he was now down the stairs* I did say so, but Admin, if you get in the way, I'm not saving you from getting in trouble.

Admin: ._. okay.

Stars: *he was also helping wingdings* Andro, could you calculate those reading over there? 

Andro: Of course-

Admin: *thinking to self* These gummy worms are good...I'm still hungry tho... I wonder if therse more sugar in the house... I'm gonna sit upside down now.

Admin: *they sat upsidedown on the counter, using thier shoes to wedge it under the cabinet ledge* .w.

Admin: *thinks* Hmm.... I wonder how long it will take them to be done... maybe I can sleep... *sleeps*

-Tem skip-

Andro: *faint voice getting louder* Admin... Admin wake up, Admin!

Admin: HOLY FUDGE NuGGETS. *begings to fall off the counter, but gets caught in the air*

Wingdings: You fell asleep, the experiment was a failure, but we got new data. 

Andro: *sets Admin on the ground with magic* 

Admin: *nearly tackles andro to the floor* NOW I WANT CUDDLES. ;w; 

Andro: *chuckled* Alright, just-

Admin: *gone*

Andro; Well... there they go.

Wingdings: I always wondered why you tolerate them?

Andro: Sadly I know things about Admin that none of you will ever know.

Wingdings: Like what?

Andro: Things... things you do not need to know.

Admin: *teleported downstairs and tugged on Andros arm* COme OONnnnnn!!

Andro: You're quite needy, alright, I'm coming- *leaves with admin*

Wingdings: Those two are interesting... *he rose a brow*

Stars: *he nodded* I would say so myself, but we are just as interesting ourselves, wingdings.

Wingdings: Well, care for some coffee?

Stars: I prefer tea, but of course. 

*Black screen*


I'm really lonely ;~;

Sorry for being needy in this chapter, oof.

The Gaster GangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz