Smol Update |Shitpost/Rp|

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Admin: SOOO..... Iv'e kinda been dead for a while,

Aysoar: No shit Sherlock-

Admin: Shut up- Anyways, I have a lot of shit I'm dealing with... there's a lot of arguing in my household and my anxiety is getting worse ever since I nearly had an anxiety attack (which could have probably been my first) when I was at the 4th of July field day for my school. And things just aren't working out... neighbors hate us, and I can't walk as I kind of overstretched my muscles (too much working out/over walking) and it sends a lot of pain up my legs and across my whole body. Sleep doesn't work either with me. Also if your wondering the person above is admin or me, just without wolf ears.


Admin: Okie Dokie now you can rp:


Everything is the gaster gang household is overall normal, but Aysoar and (if you have your own gaster) Are acting really weird. You don't really know whats wrong with them so you decided to see if the others can help you out.

What now?

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