Sick... UGH

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Admin: Heyyyyyy yallll. So guess what! I got sick today, the day before the fucking weekend.... WOOOOOO yay.

Wingdings: It is your fault.

Admin: How is it my fault!- *snezz >:O*

Wingdings: Your lack of sleep, stress, and such.

Admin: Oh and look whos talking, I also couldnt sleep cause the damn fucking cold. SCreeCH

Wingdings: And now your being angsty oh well...

Admin: WHO You calling ANgsTY Motha FUCKA

Swap: Alright, I think we should all calm down okay? Tra~La~la.

Admin: NAh man. I- *snezz* Can take him anyday!! EveN WeN Im SICK.

Fell: *gently pushed admin over* Right...

Admin: *thud* OW.

Fell: Yeah if you cant stand that your not gonna be able to take on wingdings. And hes weak as hell.

Wingdings: Shut up fell.

Admin: *gets up and flops on the couch* aNyways I might not be able to be on, on the weekend. *dab*

Andro: *walks over* And the worst thing is, now I'm sick, so is justice and Arachnid.

Admin: Oh right, Yeah i forgot I effect you three.

Andro: *sneezes into his arm* Sometimes I wish you hadn't picked me.

Admin: You are my baby. Stop complaining you child.

Andro: I wasnt complaing...

Admin: SHUHhshhhhhhhHSHHShshhshshshhhh...... e-e

Andro: ... *slowly walks away- SNEZ*

Wingdings: Anyways besides that. You probably should sleep.

Admin: fUk U. I dont need sleep. And I cant sleep anyways cause ill just wake up again.

Stars: *sighs and walks up from the lab* Wingdings is right if I heard correctly. All four of you should sleep and try to get better.

Admin: You cannot FOrce ME. ScEEEEEEEERRREPPPP.

Stars: *walks over and pets* Well find a way eventually.

Admin: UwU Petssssss. *^*

Wingdings: Admin, you know almost everything about us correct?

Admin: Mhm. *coughs*

Admin: Pretty much.

Wingdings: You never told us about you.

Admin: Uwah- Me?

Admin: Uh... I.. I dont think I can do that right now... maybe the next chapter?

Wingdings: *shrugs* Supposably.

Admin: Uh okay... Well im gonna end this here because im tired and my head hurts erp-

Admin: Cya!

Swap: Bai!

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