I cry every time.

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-;Admin: i hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself-

Wingdings: What are you doing?

Admin: Trying to die inside.

Wingdings: Why?

Admin: I have to go to the doctors in two days. I hate doctors. LIKE SERIOUSLY.

Wingdings: .... I never understood why exactly.

Admin: LEMME tell you a story,

Admin: So, when I was small I had to get a TON of shots and such in my legs, thing is I hate needles and I always freak out when I see them (there were like 20 or more df), so the reason why I hate doctors is because since I didn't want to comply, they had to HOLD me DOWN which was literal hell, I actually passed out and had a dreamed of it EXACTLY afterwards, I basically woke up screaming, and just in case it was a dream I checked, sure enough band-aids and bandages etc were there so I had basically gone through it, passed out and dreamed through it all over again and that's why I hate doctors like smh. ;-; Litteral hell twice in a row, in real life, and in a dream. Like who in their right minds wants to be held down awhile they stick a needle into awhile your AWAKE! Like and they hurt, not like those tetanus shots or flu shots it actually HURT like someone was stabbing me to death, THEY FUCKING HURT.

Admin: I dont want to gooo *crys*

Wingdings: Wow.. are humans doctors really that brutal?

Admin: FUCKING NO SHIT *hides under the couch* QnQ

Wingdings: Even I'm not that bad.. in certain circumstances...

Admin: I just want to dieeee.... I don't wanna go save meeee  ;n;

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