I survived.

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Lyric video above is by me XD


Admin: *cries of random stupidity* I SURVIVED.

Wingdings: What?

Admin: I got the shot...

Swap: *hugs admin* YAY!! I'm so happy, I knew you could do it!

Admin: Owie my arm... anyways yay! 0w0

Admin: They didn't hold me down this time, my doctor noticed I was really shy and also anxious at one point I actually started shaking really badly like I was so fricken terrified and uncomfortable that if I wanted to run I wouldn't be able to move, I nearly threw up. So basically he managed to calm me down after a while (which was maybe like half an hour or so)  and I got the shot, It hurt a bit, but at least it wasn't nearly as bad as when I WAS STABBED IN THE LEGS AT SIX- *coughs* Sorry, o-o that still will haunt me.

Admin: Anyways, at least im back online!

Wingdings: Well at least this time they weren't holding you down.

Admin: Im also older now so I kinda dont fight back, ;-;

Wingdings: Anyways-... you passed out didn't you awhilr writing?

Admin: SORRY i was was TIRED, and stop breaking the fourth wall only Me, Crimson and Andro are allowed to do that.

Admin: WELP im gonna work on another idea. SOrry these are shorter then usuall.

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