There called wing(ding)s... [Rip we all die in the end]

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Admin: HA i made a pun in the title!!!

Wingdings: Yes and I hate you.

Admin: Awh...

Justice & Arachnid: WERE BACK!!!

Justice: You litterly abandoned us.

Arachnid: Also i got a suit awhile we were away.

Justice: Anything new happen?

Admin: oh shit alot of stuff happened. Aysoar lost his shirt, he almost died, swap got sick, wingdings almso killed me, B was being salty, etc

Justice: Oh wow...

Arachnid: *shrugs*

Aysoar: Wingdings I was just gonna ask- Woah when did you both get here?

Arachnid: When the fuck did you get those?

Aysoar: Iv'e had them... There called wings....

(this is just an example of what his wings might look like: )

(this is just an example of what his wings might look like: )

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Arachnid: COOOL....

Justice: you seem tense.

Arachnid: MHM yeah im just gonna break the fourth wall here and say im gonna die probably...


Admin: Thats aysoars and my job.

Arachnid: Why can he do it!

Admin: Cause he is me dingus!

Aysoar: I am nothing like you.

Admin: OHohoho trust me(mes), [Another pun lol]  Your more like me than you think!

Admin: Plus half the problems i have you is cause im do mentally fooked up in the head. So i decided to let you be you but, be more physically mest up.

Arachnid: Well I have no fucking au so why not let me break the fourth wall!

Admin: FUCK it im naming your au Arachnidtale! You piece of annoying,... little.... floof ball.


Aysoar: Why would he, theres nothing for him to insult you about apart from that lack of logic you have in your head and the utmost stupidest things you have done awhile you were here. It quite pathetic just like your sense of humor. Not to mention who would want to insult you in the first place.


Arachnid: ...ow.... your mean...

Aysoar: Thank you.

B: That wasn't a compliment.

Aysoar: I didn't plan it to be.

Stars: That was a little harsh and both you two know better. *he glares at swap and wd*

Wingdings & Swap: Sorry Stars...

Admin: AWH common space dad you just ruined my fun!

Stars: And you need to be taught a lesson about manners.

Admin: Okie dokie im sorry. TTwTT

B: There goes dad mode... *sighs*

Justice: Wow thats fuckin powerful shit...

Stars: Watch your profanity, and Arachnid how about you go get some tea alright.

Arachnid: O-okay...

Justice & Admin thinking: * HOLY SHIT HES FUCKIN MAGICALY SCARY.... how do he even do that and half i the time i dont even listen to people.*

Aysoar: I just realised I was the one to insult Arachnid and nothing ligit happened at all to me. Thats awfully weird.

Admin: Shut up, I already know you both have a thi-

Aysoar: *covers his mouth with a magic hand* Be quiet!

Admin:  MHMHPHM!!! {Hes going to get you anyways so dont be so cocky!!}

Stars: And as for you, *he looks at aysoar* Ill talk with you about this later,

Aysoar: 0-0"

Aysoar: Dear asgore now i just realised you all probably are gonna have it better off then i do. Please kill me.

Everyone but B: NOPE.

B: Im just not going to get into this.

Admin: Besides this is also our way to get you back for being a butthole all those times.

Admin: Also i though fell was gonna be here?

Swap: Oh hes sleeping, broke his arm due to fighting off those reset anomlies.

Admin: Wow .o. cool!


Stars: Keep your voice down!

Admin: *whispers* Anyways... sense starlord is mad right now and we might die- Im gonna end this here.

Admin: Next chappy will be with more justice and arachnid.

Admin: BAH BAI!~


Admin: *cowers* S-sorry!

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