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Admin: HAY I got a question!!!

Stars: Yes?

Admin: Do you guys have tounges? Like I know Sans can't open his mouth that I know of and papyrus doesn't. So what about you all?

Wingdings: Well, of course, how would we eat?

Admin: I don't know... Like a vacuum?

Wingdings: Jesus Christ. *facepalms*

Admin: Well anyways Mines normal.  *sticks tongue out, its a normal human tongue lol ew* >:D

Wingdings: Mines the same as yours in a way,  but its just yellow. So mines normal. *he stuck his tongue out then put it back in*

Admin: Coolio! What about you stars?

Stars: Hm? Oh mine..? Mines normal like both of yours but purple. *he stuck his tongue out but then put it back in to*

Admin: HMM... Now I wanna know about the others... ALL OF YOU GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!

Fell: *he slid down the railing on the stairs* Jesus fuckin christ! Shut up were comin!

Admin: Dont give me sass!

Fell: Then dont be an asshole.

Admin: WHatever.

Swap: Coming!, *guiding B along with his hand*

Admin: Stick Your Tounges out.

Swap: Wait what!?

Stars: Admin is conducting his own experiment on tounges apparently.

Admin: IM JUST INTERESTED OKIE. Im a werid ass person.

Swap: Ehh... do we have to I mean.. *he shivered*

Admin: Awwhh is Swap scared of a tongue >:)??

Swap: W-what no!! Its just... ew...

B: *chuckles*  He doesn't like it when I do it ethier trust me, it think its just the problem that some of us have longer tounges. *he stuck the top of his tongue out*

Admin: Idk why but it looks squishy. Im weird, but Like. its so darn cute and I wanna poke it. but that would be weird to so Im not gonna do that. And besides, slimy.

Wingdings: *sighs* What in the world do we do with you...?

Admin: I dont know, I kinda live here sooooo Ehh??? Also, you starting to sound like Moon.

Wingdings: ....And is that a bad thing?

Admin: FUCK NO. Moon is amazing!

Wingdings: Then stop making comments.

Admin: I hate you.

Swap: Its just, Ehh!! Please don't...

B: *he stuck his tongue all the way out*

Swap: !!! *looks away* P-please no!!! me...

Admin: I ship it.

Swap: W-what!

B: *pulls his tongue back in and blushes green* W..what do you mean?

Admin: Hehehehe nothing, Fell your next!

Swap:  *smashes out the light* NOPE!

Admin: Hay its dark in here why'd you do that!!! Ugh fine, Andro Where The FUck did you go.

Andromeda: Im right here...

Admin: Well I can see its dark. Iv'e seen fells tounge before due to him teasing maestro, its just long and slimy ew...

Fell: Rude much.


Andro: My what?

Andro: I litterly just got here.

Admin: Stick your tounge out.

Andro: Uhm.. okay? *he stuck his tounge it, it glowed in the dark*

Admin: WOAH >:O

Andro: *licks admin o nthe face cause he can lol*

Admin; EWWWWW I swear you act like a pet sometimes!!!!

Andro: *pulls his tounge back in and laughs*

Admin: Ew ew ew ew!!!! Someone turn on the lights... EW!!!!

Fell: *starts laughing* AAhahAhahaA

Swap: *super disturbed*

Andro: Hm.. I guess I found a way to make you stop pestering me. Ill just lick you.

Admin: EWWW!! No dont!! Come on I only pester you because I love yall!!

Andro: Its annoying.

Admin: Your a Butt!

Andro:  No my names andro.

Admin: Im talking about the insult idoit!

Andro: Hello, talking about the insult idoit.

Admin: *screeches and poofs away* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Fell: * laughing his ass off*

Stars: *he has went down to the lab meanwhile and had fixed the light by now* There we go. *walking back upstairs*

Fell: CANt... BReATHe. FUckin Asgore *wheezes from laughter*

Wingdings: Probablity of death is 60 Percent. Just slap him or something.

Swap: *he left upstairs with B, they didnt want to be teased anymore*

Wingdings: *facepalms* Anyways we will end this here. I dont even know what the point of this was.

Andro: Bye!

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