Flashback 3 (Revamped )

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Timeline: Erik and Bia's fight before her leaves which pushes her into the arms of Noel.

(this chapter seems familiar but remember it's revamped. I advise you to reread)

I walk past him and go to the kitchen, he's staring at me with the most angry face. His fists are clinched as I drink from my water bottle. My mouth was a bit dry from smoking or maybe I was just nervous. I then proceed walk to the bathroom and he follows me in, as I take my makeup off. He leans in the doorway watching me with slow movement. The way he fixated like a lion stalking it's prey could make anyone nervous, and I mean anyone.

" Can I help you with something ? ", I look at him blankly.

" You wanna' tell me what the fuck that was back there ? ", he snapped.

" A friend took me for early morning breakfast and dropped me off ", I say unassumingly. It only pissed him off more.

" You swap spit with your friends ? ", he scoffs.

" I swap spit with you don't I ? ", I retort. He squints angrily at me, grinding his jaw so audibly I could hear it pop.

" Please don't TELL me that you are really upset when you played in my face at the party ? That girl was all over you and you entertained it after you ASKED me to come. Are you a fucking psychopath or are you just that fucking aloof ? ", I snap. He chuckled humorlessly, shaking his head.

" Look, she was all over ME, I didn't come up to her first. She kept yapping in my ear about some project trying to take me back to her place. I had her before and I didn't want her again. I was about to come RIGHT back ", he explained in an annoyed tone.

" If you really wanted her off of you, you literally could have said you'd catch up with her later. You LOVE the attention. She didn't force your hand. You wanted to hurt me because you can't deal with the fact that you have FEELINGS for me and quite frankly, that's not my problem. Look—You can go back to your dorm now ", I turn back to the mirror applying a clay mask.

" Where did he take you ? ", he asked.

" This new spot called none of your business ", I spat. I slammed the bathroom door in his face and locked it. A huge bang from the other side made me jump. I could hear the crack of the wood splintering. I swung the door open to see his first balled. There was a huge dent in the door. We were chest to chest now as he stared down at me intimidatingly trying to hold back his anger. I wasn't afraid. I was just as livid and contemplating hitting him.

" I want you to get out right now. And you're fucking paying for that door ! ", I spat, holding my arms to create distance between us. He was literally huffing with anger now.

" If you EVER disrespect me like that again I will make that nigga disappear, do you hear me ? You think I'm playing with you Bia but I will deadass make sure that NOBODY finds him ", he threatened.

" Your empty threats mean absolutely nothing to me. I'm not afraid of you. Be mad at yourself for what you did, not me. You show me your true colors and I act accordingly. You wanna fuck with other bitches ? I will fuck with WHOEVER I please ", I warn. 

" This dick ain't free. You want this dick you stick to this dick only. You think because I taught you how to fuck you can just be on your merry way? That's not how this works. Stop TESTING me ", he said. 

" Get. Out. Before I call campus police ", I pointed at the door again.

" Oh you on that now ? ", he took a step back surprised I ever brought up the word police.

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