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Acceptance (noun)- the act of taking or receiving something offered.
Izuku POV

This isn't some love story you hear in the fairy tales.

Those are far from true.

I could tell you I was your average bullied high schooler but that would be a lie.

And the first words out of your lover's mouth probably shouldn't be "F*ck you."

But what can I say I'm not your average girl.

I had a terrible environment in which I grew up.

My parents had died and my aunt and uncle refused to tell me an ounce of information regarding them.

All I know is my mother did something unforgivable.

Acceptance isn't something I've ever known.

I lived under the stairs for crying out loud.

(A/N cue Harry Potter music)

Speaking of crying out loud...

"Look at the ugly piece of trash."

"Your momma even thought you were so ugly which is why she LEFT you."

Loud sobs shook my body.

I rubbed my sore shoulders and brushed over Newly formed bruises and scratches.

I live with my Aunt Ikumi and Uncle Haru.

Speaking of my evil cousin Medusa who picks on me nonstop.

Life was limited to stale bread and old ham.

Well until one day that changed.

I picked up a letter addressed to me from the trash.

It must've been thrown away.

It was my turn as it is everyday to take out the trash.

Luckily the letter caught my eye.

I set the trash bag I was carrying down and picked up the letter.

I put away the trash and rushed to my room.

I broke the seal and eagerly peaked at what the letter said.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

It is our honor to inform you of your acceptance into the Yuuei. Please bring all the books assigned and be at the central gates no later than 10 AM sharp. As a transfer since it is the middle of the year head to the administration for further details. Again congratulations on your acceptance into the Yuuei. See you at school next Tuesday.

~ Yours Truly from the Yuuei Academy for Monsters

More details will be issued in the following days


I was accepted?

A transfer?

What was happening?!

Tuesday was a week from now!

"Well well what do we have here?"

"Give it back Medusa!"

I tried to snatch the letter back but to no avail Medusa went running to Auntie and Uncle.

Scowls on their faces and arms crossed I had never been more terrified.

"Mind explaining what the hell is going on?!"
- Auntie

"I don't... I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"
- Uncle

"I don't know!"

"As expected... a monster... just like her!"
- Auntie

"Her? My mother?!"

"Just like her you'll go to that wrecked school!"
- Auntie

- Uncle

"Where's that letter Medusa?"
- Auntie

"Auntie please don't—!"


Just like that the only acceptance in all of my life was gone.

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