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Queen- what I am, lol no

Queen- someone with a whole lotta power and who is usually wealthy.
Izuku POV

I followed the trail of gold and it only grew in quantity. I turned a corner and found myself in a large room that had ceilings hundreds of feet above me. I was still in the cave but it was a lot more open now and much less stuffy.

I saw something that I had only seen in textbooks and paintings. I couldn't contain my awe any longer and I mindlessly said:


The gold seemed dull in comparison to the beauty of the beasts. It was something I only saw in my dreams, was I dreaming? What was true?

The dragon in front of me was the size of sixty or seventy school buses with purple scales that were highlighted in lavender. The she-dragon's eyes were gold and the dragon looked at me with curiosity and caution. There were other dragons but much smaller and off to the side.

I was frozen as the dragon looked me up and down.

The voice of the dragon bellowed out, shaking the cave to its very core:


The voice was regal, demanding, and dominating.

In most situations one should probably be scared to the bone but I was still in awe.

I called out in a quiet voice, "wasn't it you who called me here?"

"What foolish things do you talk about? As if I would believe a human, the most disgusting creature of all. You've come to kill as like those before you. You shall die by my fire."


I was caught off by purple fire that was coming my way. I didn't have time to move so I put my arms in front of my face to cover myself, as if that would help.

Instead of dying and burning to a crisp the purple fire felt warm, inviting, and most of all familiar.

The dragon's eyes widened.

"You are no human. Why have you come?"

"I heard a voice telling me to come here, come home.  When I saw you I was shocked because I thought all the dragons had gone extinct."

The dragon scoffed and smoke came out of her snout. "As if those cursed dragon slayers could've killed all of us off. The only reason they killed so many is because of the betrayal and epidemic that occurred."

"So... I'm not alone?"

"Not alone what're you talking about? I mean obviously you're not human but a creature of fire. You could be a Phoenix, part hellhound, et cetera—."

"I'm a dragon."

"Hah! The remaining dragons of all the realms are located here and five other locations and we have searched for centuries for any survivors but have found none. You're not listed and you definitely don't look dragon."

"I have to be."

"Where is your proof?"

"Here." I said pointed to my head.

"Your memories?"

"Yes. I just recovered them recently and I ended up here after jumping from the roof of a library. I thought I was a goner but my wings carried me to here."


"Well I have all these powers but I don't know how to control them... I don't pick and choose when they come out or not."

"Hmmm... come closer child."

I walked forward not at all bothered by the glares from the other smaller dragons I was receiving.

"We have not seen other dragons than those we know of for years..."

The she-dragon sniffed me and curled her tail around me, almost protectively. She held me within her tail and brought me towards her face, I saw the two gold eyes penetrate my being.

"What is your name dear child?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

Her eyes widened and recognition spread across her features. I heard the other dragons stir but I cared not to look since I was memorized by her eyes.

"Who are your parents?"

"I... I don't know. I found out recently my life in the human world was a lie. I figured out that a dragon slayer with long green hair was my mother and I get a feeling that my father was a dragon. I don't know how or even why I was conceived but I was."

There were tears falling from the dragon's gold eyes.

"I have a niece? A wonderful, beautiful niece?"


"I know your father sweet child. I'm his sister, your aunt."

"Where is he?" I asked hopeful.

"Dead," she replied in a dry voice.

"How?" I questioned as sadness swept over my heart.

"Your mother. He died at the hands of a dragon slayer."

"H-how do y-you know?"

"That's what we were told and from a reliable source too. There were eye witness accounts. This doesn't make any sense... I know he had conceived a child."

"Which is me..."

"We looked for years but gave up thinking you were dead... I had no clue... no clue that the other parent was her. If what you say is true then there's still a truth to be uncovered."

"How was my father able to be with a dragon slayer?"

"He wasn't. It was taboo and impossible only for a certain few. You see your father was an important man..."

"Who was he?"

"The king of dragons. Those with blood from the royal family are able to transform into other creatures, even humans."

"Can you then too?"

"No. If I did my wounds and scars you see on my skin would kill my transformed body. Plus transforming takes years of practice and a tremendous amount of energy."

"I see. This war was years ago was it not?"

"It was. You were conceived it seems in the midst of it."

"And my mother?"

"No one knows but she's more than likely to be dead. Now that I smell you I can smell the scent of my brother and that cursed woman coming from you. It seems that you have something that cloaks your scent."

"If my father is dead then does that mean you're the queen?"

"No. I was just to fill in his position but his heir would be allotted the position of power."

"Which is... me?"

"You're the Queen of Dragons my dear niece."

"But I'm a hybrid Auntie!"

"It matters not. You are our salvation and can do things we cannot."

She let me down on the ground and called the other dragons' attention.




The roars and shouts from the dragons made the cave shake and gold scatter.

So that's new, I guess I'm a Queen.
A/N can't update all the time because of school but I hope y'all are enjoying this so far!

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