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Preposterous- contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Izuku POV


That was the woman in the portrait, but how.

I had no clue. My mother had died years ago at my birth. What was the truth? This portrait was from hundreds of years ago, the time of the dragons.

I wanted answers and I wanted them now. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath, concentrate. I felt a pull from the depths of my heart and memories flashed through my mind.

A forbidden love.

My mother, a dragon slayer.

My father, something to be determined. The images passed through my mind much too quickly to find the truth of my past. Everything became too much, it was suffocating.

I knew what I was doing but I did not control my actions, rather I was guided. I left the light behind and the portrait. I was running up the stairwell for the library. This was crazy what I was doing was crazy.

The adernaline coursed through my veins and urged my legs to go faster. Why am I running? I have no clue but something told me I was about to find out.

There were many floors and I felt the floor crumble beneath my steps, my pace did not let up. It felt like forever but I had reached the last floor of the library. There was a ladder and I climbed it, I was careless and a few of the rungs were broken.

Why did I so desperately make my way to the roof? Why did I listen to the voice in the back of my head? I was hundreds and hundreds, thousands of feet from the ground. I wasn't necessarily afraid of heights but that doesn't mean I like to climb high places for fun.

The roof was a dome-like structure and there was only about five feet separating me from the edge. My gut told me to run and jump, a leap of faith, or me being suicidal? I opted for the first option because even though I had gone through some rough things I would never intentionally harm myself.

Looks like I'll just be heading back down... It was then that a large gust of wind came at me pushing me and causing me to trip. I stumbled trying to regain my balance and now I was in a freefall.

I am going to die.

I am going to die.

I am actually going to die like at this very moment!

I opened my eyes still scared. Hey I'm not dead!

I looked at the ground which was only twenty feet below me. Wait, how was I still alive?

I saw on the ground a shadow with two big wings. I'm that shadow!

Sure enough I looked behind my back and saw the two magneficient wings, dragon wings.

This was preposterous I mean if my mother was a dragon slayer but now I had dragon wings then...

My father had been a dragon.

I wasn't sure how it was possible but then again I was always the embodiment of a living contradiction.

I wasn't in control of these wings and no matter how hard I tried to gain control. The wings were unstable and I caught myself in a free fall quite often.


"Hello?" I called out into the wind. There was no response.

Come here child. Come back home.

The sun went down and I was in the dark soaring through the night, star-filled, sky.

I had taken into account the intricate details of the wings. They were a brilliant forest evergreen etched with gold that shinned with each movement. There were symbols in black but I could not determine what they were.

I was above the clouds and I had never felt freer.

Suddenly everything stopped and I was falling. My wings were gone.

Please don't die...

I could only pray.

I learned that day that sometimes your prayers were answered.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I had landed on something. I somehow wasn't dead so I wasn't going to question it.

I was in a cave and the hole I had fallen through had all but disappeared. There was gold and more gold mixed with other jewels and treasures. The whole place shined and shimmered with the precious metals.

I got up from the "soft" thing I had landed on. It had been a giant bed of sorts?

I followed the trail of gold and it only grew in quantity. I turned a corner and found myself in a large room that had ceilings hundreds of feet above me. I was still in the cave but it was a lot more open now and much less stuffy.

I saw something that I had only seen in textbooks and paintings. I couldn't contain my awe any longer and I mindlessly said:


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