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Euphoria (noun)- a state of intense happiness and self-confidence
Izuku POV

Regardless of the term 'monster' these monsters looked oddly human-like.

Apparently humans came from monsters.

They really weren't too hard to adjust to.

Even the "zombie" Aiwaza~ Sensei looked human for the most part other than his wrappings.

Let's see...

My school schedule was handed to me this morning and because I'm a transfer I'll have weekend school and have to stay later.

What a pain.

Hopefully this will be okay.


Right now a feeling of euphoria flooded me because of the excitement within.

Eight classes.

Plus the one weekend class will make nine...

It'll be fine... probably.

Shocchan can help me and I'm sure Kirishima~Kun wouldn't mind helping me out.

I looked at the sheet

Izuku Midoriya, 15

Monster type: not human/unknown

Elemental type: unknown

Origin: Earth/unknown

Other: transfer

Class Schedule:
Period 1:
History of Magic & Monsters
Period 2:
Alchemy (Elemental Training)
Period 3:
Period 4:
Period 5:
Ancient Script (English)
Period 6:
P.M.T. (Physical Monster Training)
*Helps to increase abilities within each monster type
Period 7:
Human Studies

For transfer students only:
Period 8:
*done after school

Period 9 will be done on the weekend

Period 9:
Fundamentals of Being a Monster


I didn't know music would be a thing but regardless I'm overjoyed that I'll get to have an array of classes.

I looked at the map intently trying to find my first class within this ginormous school.

I hadn't been paying attention and I ended up running into someone.

I feel on them and rolled to the side clutching my side in pain.

When I looked up I saw piercing ruby eyes belonging to a nicely built pale figure.

His hair was in disarray reminding me of bedhead.

"F*ck you!"


"Why the hell are you in my way?"

"Well excuse you... GOMEN! I really didn't see you and I wasn't looking where I was going and... I... I'm new and I really didn't mean it!"

"Oh? So this is the human you were telling me about?"

"Apparently she came from Earth, a human community nonetheless."
- Guy one

"Well... I don't mean to interrupt but I'm here now which means I mustn't be human... Oh I really must be going though! It's my first day..."

I got up and offered my hand to the dashing mysterious ill-mannered stranger.

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