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Gregarious- (adjective) fond of company; sociable.
Izuku POV

The annual festival was coming up and I was ecstatic.

Many people so far find me to be a gregarious person, very outspoken. Although I do have a tendency to ramble on and on.

Ancient Script was going to be so fun!

We were taken time out of the Academy day to go to some ruins. Not just any ruins, dragon ruins!

There were so many signs put up saying not to touch but I really want to touch... the architecture is exquisite.

The ruins were quite close to the academy and dorms.

I was paired up with the jerk vampire Prince and Kirishima.

"Aren't dragons just the coolest!? They have super duper strong scales, impenetrable I've read. How far could they fly? Hours upon hours, even days? What was their diet? How many different types were there? How long was the average dragon wing span? I bet they hid out in caves. There's still so much we don't know! Oh and don't get me started on Dracon's  Law on Flight and Magic—."

"My ears are bleeding please make it stop!"
- Jerk Prince

"You sure are interested in Dragons Izuku~chan."
- Kirishima

"Remember students you can look but you can't touch! Just over yonder are some ruins with inscribed ancient writing that has yet to be deciphered."
- Midnight

"Do you think the dragons wrote it? I mean they were such big creatures."

"Maybe they could transform?"
- Kirishima

"Kirishima~ Kun you're a genius! Of course how could I have not put two and two together!"

"Agh I'm stuck with this."
- Jerk Prince

"Come on let's go."

I tugged at their hands dragging them both to see the ancient writing.

It was hard since missing chunks of rock were gone from the full stone of writing.

Such weird letters.


They were rearranging themselves.

They had a blue hue.

"Hey do you guys see this?"

"See what?"
- Kirishima

"The f*ck you talking about? It just looks like a bunch of weird letters to me."
- Jerk Prince

The writing became clear.

Here lay the secrets of the dragons hidden beneath the ground for no one but thee to see. To find yer brethren fly above Heaven's Gates. Down below the deep blue sea on the ocean floor lay gold since that is the fee.

Where's the rest?

It was cut off.

I found another broken piece regarding a different matter.

But brethren beware...

Beware of what?

A few smaller pieces of rock had simple words.

Not really meaning anything.

Strength by fire death by desire.

Greed for gold does not breed for a heart of gold.

A Dragon's scale can tell a Dragon's tale.

Power destroys.

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