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Danger- the possibility that something bad will happen
Izuku POV

I made three big mistakes on my first day.

1) I ran into the most dangerous guy in school

2) I created enemies with the academy population

3) I don't have a place to live

But before we get into all that this is what happened before that...

Kirishima~Kun was very nice to me.

I had escaped and was on my way to wherever this academy was.

A train?

9 and 3/4 is that even a thing?

Shocchan had gotten me all my books and I tried to pay him back but to no avail since my money was "useless" to him.

All Might, which is what he went by helped me.

So here I was on a train going to somewhere I had no clue where.

I was the only transfer according to Shocchan since it was in the middle of the school year.
The campus was huuuuge.

It was like I was at Hogwarts or something.

Numerous buildings surrounded the academy with what I could assume to be dorms and places used for teaching.

It was quiet but All Might accompanied me through the large gates.


"Yeah. Also another thing I forgot to mention is that dome over the school..."

"That one?"

"Yeah that one. That keeps humans out."


"Because humans have long hunted monsters."


I saw monsters and human like figures it was nothing like I'd ever seen.

"Is that the new student?!"

"She looks so..."

"It's the transfer!"

"She's looks odd..."

Me look odd?

"Where do you think she'll be sorted?"

I walked until I saw a man who looked like a zombie.

"H-hello nice to meet you!"

"Likewise... so let's get this thing on the road. Introduce yourself and say a fun fact I don't really care. I'm Aiwaza by the way but you'll call me Aiwaza~Sensei."

I turned to the odd group and spotted a few familiar faces.

"Hello I am Izuku Midoriya and my favorite food is Katsudon!"

The other students were a bit confused but I wasn't quite sure what they wanted.

I looked to Aiwaza~ Sensei in question.

"I think they're curious about where you came from and who your parents are."


"Well I came from here... well not here but... Earth I guess you could say? I don't know who my parents are... but I'm excited to be here!"


"The land of the humans!"

"She's here to kill us!"

"Quiet! The hat will be doing the talking, literally."
- Aiwaza


"There's a magic hat that tells you what kind of species or monster you are..."


"There are many many categories but I'll only list a few for now... you could be sorted into a category of zombie, vampire, mage, siren, ghost, etc. each has their own dorm."

"What if she's a hybrid?"

"Quiet! Now Izuku are you ready?"


He put on the hat and I heard a voice conversing with me.

Hmmm... how peculiar.

You look human.

Ugh I hate those awful creatures.

Who are you?


I am what determines what type of monster you are...

You seem to be normal but...

Something feels off.

I don't know what you are...

What do you mean?

Nothing strikes me as odd...

But you're not human.

I've got it!

What am I?!

Hush child I'll announce it.

Wait announce it!?

The hat called out, yes the hat.

"Izuku Midoriya: Not Human."

Well that's a big help.

Tell me about it...

Not even the hybrids have thrown me off this much.


The crowd broke into hurried whispers.

I took off the hat handing it back to Aiwaza~Sensei who looked as confused as everyone else.


"It's just... that's never happened."
- Aiwaza


"We need to find your element type however..."

"Element type?"

"There can be numerous types of monsters but there are only four elemental types: earth, water, air, and fire."

"Okay... how do we test that?"

"We can figure it out during class... but I don't know where you can stay..."

"I'm fine with anywhere really... I lived under the stairs before so I really don't need much room."

The students looked at me with slight pity but the whispering continued.

"Do you have a basement or an attic maybe?"

"We have one abandoned part... you can go with the hybrids..."


"Mixed monsters... STUDENTS YOU ARE DISMISSED, Izuku I will show you the way."


So I walked quietly wondering why being a hybrid was so bad or a sketchy topic.

There really were no other people other than a small few.

I went to bed praying I could find my classes the next day.

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