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Kinetic- relating to or resulting from motion.


After the dragons announced me as queen they gave me many jewels. They made me look very nice. I was also speaking with my aunt.

"Auntie what's your name? I'm curious."

"My name is Celaeno. Since there is little known in your textbooks you have at school I shall teach you all there is to know about being a dragon."

"I can't wait! But aren't you injured?"

"Yes which is why I only have the educational aspect. I will have my right hand teach you. His name is Søren and he is a dragon similar to my own. Each dragon has a type or element they belong to. I have the ability to create storms and tremendous winds. Søren has the ability to fly quicker than any other dragon. He also can manipulate gravity."

"That's so cool! Do I have a special ability too?"

"It's a possibility."

"What was my father's ability?"

"He had the ability that was superior over all others. He could manipulate time and his fire was stronger than any other's. His fire was so hot that the flames of the sun were no match."


"Another thing you should know is the importance of kinetic energy and emotion. In order to control your ability some dragons must do specific movements to improve and increase the power of their ability. Dragons are very emotional based, the more anger you harbor the stronger the flame. Being able to control your emotions is key to being an efficient dragon. While having emotions are good you should not let it dictate your every movement. If you go off only your emotions you will be killed."

"That's a lot to take in. I have to put this in my notebook!"

"Child you must not discuss this place or the existence of dragons with anyone else. Even if your notebook is private there is always a chance it can be discovered. If other monsters or humans knew we would be in grave danger."

"Okay, your secret is safe with me. I'm attending the Yuuei Academy for Monsters."

"I see. Then you must attend school during the week and try to meet us here on the weekends. In order to go by undetected wear this silver bracelet that is infused with a shapeshifter's blood. It helps mask your scent. Also take this cloak, it makes you invisible. You must not be followed. Also try to limit how often you shift in front of your classmates."

"Okay I'm going back to the academy then."

"I love you, Izuku. May safe travels befall you."

"Goodbye Auntie!"

I bowed to the other dragons. "Goodbye my Queen," they said in unison. 

I walked over the piles of gold and silver. I had to go back the way I came. I found that shifting was getting easier. It was dark out and the crescent moon was high in the sky. 

I slipped in undetected and finished up any homework. I couldn't stop myself, however, from going back to the library with the portrait. It was my place of comfort. The days blurred together.

My thoughts for the majority of the week were about returning to the cavern of dragons. 

In Period 4 (Astronomy) we discussed the zodiac signs and read a book by Lucia Dragneel. Virgo, the maiden zodiac sign, was relatable. I wrote down too many notes as usual. 

Every class today was going fine until we got to period 6 (P.M.T). I changed into my uniform and stretched. The shirt was way too tight but I've dealt with worse.

"As you know class the annual Yuuei Monster Bash Festival Breakdown is coming up. I think we should first gauge the abilities of all of you as you are now. This will help see what areas we need to work on." stated our teacher Aizawa. I was nervous since I was newfound to these changes happening within my body. Gosh I sounded like a teenager going through puberty but this time for monsters!

We had to do various physical tests and then other tests that involved our monster aspects. 

First we had the 100 meter dash. I focused on my legs and I could feel my legs beginning to turn from my soft skin into green scales. I felt stronger and faster and I was getting hyped up to win. It was hard to not catch the infectious desire to win when all my classmates were all trying so hard. The first heat of the 100 meter dash was won by Todoroki who teleported himself to the finish line. Aizawa said nothing about not using our abilities. Kirishima won his heat when he transformed into a beautiful wolf and ran to the finish line. The Jerk Prince won the third heat since vampires were really quick. 

It was now my turn. I was against seven other students. The only one I recognized was Uraraka who was rumored to be a hybrid, half ghost and half witch. She could manipulate the air, more so the gravity of the atmospere. My other opponents were a zombie, a ghoul, a warlock, a smurf, a troll, and a mermaid. The sound of the gun went off and I took off running until I felt a light touch. I was then in the air. It must have been instinct because in the next moment my wings were out. I soared to the finish leaving my fellow monster classmates in shock. Uraraka had been knocked down by the strong flaps of my wings. I was embarrassed so I immediately shifted my wings away.

I had to be in control not my emotions. "Okay those of you who won your heat line up. It's time to determine which of you is the quickest." I was nervous and absolutely refused to transform again. The prince and Todoroki tied. Bakugou had quickly latched onto Todoroki before he transported himself to the finish line. Kirishima easily snagged the second spot after them. I ran pathetically but ignored the harsh words thrown my way. 

I was a "total let down" as always. 

I tried to focus on the next trial. This was going to be a long day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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