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Karma- the balance of good and evil.
Do something bad get something bad in return.
Do something good get something good in return.
Izuku POV


He called out.

I was anxious but prayed silently that this wouldn't be a bad decision later on.

He weakly pulled me in closer making my face flare red.


"I haven't had blood in a few hundred years so... I guess... sorry."

"How are you even alive?!"

"Strong damn will and supplements."

"Don't make me regret this..."

"Oh? Gonna back out now fearsome dragon?"


"It's okay I get I'm not a guy you'd wanna hang around. I guess being apart of a massacre really doesn't help my case."

He let out a dry laugh but I knew he was at least trying to ease my stress in a twisted way.

"I guess... is what they said true?"

"Wasn't there except for the last part of it."

"Did you really kill her?"

I stared long and hard into those ruby eyes willing them to somehow tell me every secret he hid.

He was the first to break our stare down which surprised me.

He looked off to the side as if recalling a bittersweet memory.

It was like talking about an ex best friend in a way.

It still hurt.

"...yeah... yeah I killed her."


"I loved her once."


"Until she ya know died. Listen I don't know what the f*ck they told you but how about you hold off on completely judging me before you know the whole story."

"F-fine. D-did you ever suck her blood?"

"Only twice. Once when I was on the brink of death and once when she died, when I killed her."

He said the word kill with such disdain and disgust.

"I don't know what to believe."

"Then don't believe in anything. Just help me and then after you can leave me for all of eternity."

"Did you really love her? D-did you ever love again?"

"She was my first and only love and I don't intend on loving anyone ever again."


"Cause they'll f*cking die on me. I have all of eternity and they'll die off. I can't trust anyone. I've tried trusting and it doesn't f*cking work. The only one I can depend on is myself."

"That's sad... but I think you're just afraid they'll leave you again. Also if they're a vampire wouldn't you live all of eternity together."

"News flash: vampires aren't immortal. They all die. Only the old hag, the grande council, and I know it. The only one who will actually live all of eternity is me and me alone."

"But why?"

"You just f*ckin love asking questions don't ya? By the time I actually get to suck your blood I'll be dead! Why you ask, why not? Why should vampires be given some extra privilege? Why can I live for eternity is because I'm cursed."

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