Where They Went-

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~Devon + Harry~

Devon's memory was erased, as per every life time. The next lifetime that she appeared, her name was Lucy and she was already married by the time Harry found her. They found each other in a cheap laundry mat on a rainy Thursday evening. There was magic right away, as there always was and would be between them. He paid for her laundry and eventually took her out to dinner. She divorced her husband who happened to look a lot like Zayn and went back to Harry after about three or four years of back and forth. During this time, no one came after her or tired to kill her. They also had a kid together ( a FIRST ) and her name was Isabeau. Isabeau grew up raised by her father (Lucy 'Devon') would die of natural causes for one of the only times. Harry raised her up until the day she died, asleep in her bed at 84 years old. 

Isabeau had some kids of her own, which brought in the other Devon's that the universe would see. Eventually, they figured out that the universe had to be balanced to even back out, and two angelic forces on the playing field wasn't cutting it. (The universe is crazy, I'm telling you.)

Devon would come around again, five times before they would finally break the curse. It turns out it was never Devon's curse at all - it was Harry's. Harry had to return to Heaven - basically, he had to die again and receive his wings again and stay in heaven. Since he was always coexisting with Devon, the earth couldn't handle the amount of power so it snuffed it out in whatever way it could so basically it was killing Devon each time. Once he was finally able to let her live her human life (this includes marriage and babies outside of him) her soul never returned to earth again. When she died, she came to heaven and regained her wings she had originally had when her and Harry originally fell in love. She would remember everything - including all of their lives together - and would live in peace with Harry by her side for the rest of eternity. 

(If ya'll want to know about anyone else, ask me in the comments! I hope this explains all of your questions!)

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