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"Your technique is all wrong," Celeste critiqued. "Why do you move your arm around like a muggle? It's like you were never born as a wizard."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Do you have to be so harsh? I have feelings too, you know."

"Ever heard of tough love?"

"Yeah, it's what Yejin gives me," he retorted.

Celeste resisted the urge to groan. "I'm pretty sure it's beyond tough love."

"You're meaner than you look," Taehyung said. "Everyone thinks you're this saint, but you're really not."

She raised an eyebrow. "But I am, aren't I? I help people with their problems and I make them feel better. Now tell me, Taehyung-ssi, what are you? If I am not a saint, what are you compared to me? What have you done to help those around you? All you and your friends do is play pranks on people. The Marauders are nothing but trouble in a square."

"If you claim to be this saint, then why won't you help me, Celeste? I want to win Yejin's heart."

"And you think making her jealous is the way to do that? You're absolutely mad. It's true that she may feel jealous over you but jealousy is far from love. You can't take someone's heart like that. Yejin controls her own heart, Taehyung-ssi. That is the law of nature. That is how it should be," Celeste replied.

"Screw nature!" Taehyung shouted. "You don't know her! You don't know how she'll react!"

"But I do. She is a tough girl who doesn't take 'no' for an answer. She is a stubborn person who only cares about her family and studying. She has no time to deal with your stupid antics. She doesn't even remotely like you, Taehyung-ssi. Can you not see that? Why you're even obsessed with her, I will never find out. I think you tricked yourself into liking her, because I cannot see any true love you hold for her. You think of her as your true love, but your inner self knows better. She's only a toy to you."

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