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"Did you guys drug Namjoon?" was the first question Celeste decided to ask.

"What? No," Taehyung replied, clearly not convinced by his-self.

"Then why is he unconscious? He's the best student in our year, he wouldn't miss class."

"We pranked him," Jin said. "He needed to relax, but you're right - he wouldn't miss class."

Celeste nodded. "Yeah, I don't believe you. So why is he really unconscious, and why are you three carrying him into the direction of the suspicious-looking shack?"

Taehyung opened his mouth. "It's a long story that I think Namjoon should personally tell you when he wakes up - in a few days."

"Why days?" she questioned. "I'm not leaving until I get answers and I don't care about missing class."

Yoongi sighed. "Look, Celeste - "

"Someone's coming!" Jin whispered. "We need to go!"

The boys scrambled to get Namjoon. Celeste opened her mouth to shout, but Taehyung cupped his hand over her mouth, dropping half of Namjoon on the ground.

"Come with us, and we'll explain everything," he whispered. "Just don't make any noise or cause any trouble for us."

The boys - and Celeste - lifted Namjoon up and quickly maneuvered their way into the shack, which looked small on the outside, but was big on the outside.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"This shack is enchanted. Any creature can't leave this shack unless they're touching a human or they're human," Taehyung said.

"Namjoon is a werewolf," Jin breathed out. "Oh my god, it feels so good to finally say that."

Yoongi slapped his arm. "Dude, really?"

"He's a werewolf? Does he know you guys are doing this to him?"

Taehyung nodded. "It was his idea. Are you going to tell anyone?"

"What could I possibly gain from telling people his secret? Of course not. Namjoon is my friend," Celeste answered truthfully.

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