Chapter 8

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*Melody's POV*

"Douglas Lee Poynter! Please stop stroking my leg!" Says an exasperated James.

"Eyes on the road Danny. EYES ON THE ROAD!" Tom panics. We are in Danny's 7 seater car. Why he bought one I don't know but that will have to remain a mystery.

"Calm down Thomas, we're fine," Danny says from the drivers seat. Tom is sat next to him in the front, worried for his life. Tom gets a bit nervous when either Danny or Dougie are driving.

Harry and James are in the centre of the car, with Dougie in between them. And I'm in the back with Matt. We get to avoid all of this.

"You should vlog today Judd," Matt says to me.


"Well I saw your video with Carrie and you were a natural at YouTube. Come on, give it a go at least." He says and I nod, getting my camera out of my bag. I turn it on and then turn the lens towards myself.

"Hey there so I am currently on my way to a theme park. I don't actually know which one, Matt?" I say. Matt slides into the frame.

"We are going to Flamingo Land in Yorkshire! The park is opening in a week or something for the summer and we have been invited to go early. Some other people have as well but not many," he says to the lens.

"Explanation curtesy of Matt Willis since I don't know what's happening. So we are in the back of Danny's 7 seater. He's in the front with Tom and in the middle we have these three," I say leaning over the gap between Dougie and James' seats.

"Hello!" Dougie says like a child. Typical.


"Morning all!"

"So yeah we've been in the car a while now. What time did we set off? Half 7? So yeah we are nearly there so I'll see you then!" I turn the camera off and high five Matt.

The rest of the journey is filled with singing, laughter and m'n'ms. Finally we reach the park and I hop out of the car. I slide my sunglasses on. What is going on Febuary? Why are you not cold! If I'm honest I'm not complaining.

I grab my camera as we walk to the entrance.

"So we finally got here. I think Febuary is having an identity crisis cause it is boiling! Genuinly I'm in a short sleeved top with no need of jacket."

"I think we need outfits of the day," Tom interjects so I hand him the camera.

"So today I have gone with black leggings, converse and a long multicoloured shirt with black stripes," I say posing. I grab the camera and turn it on Tom.

"I have gone with the typical skinny jeans, baseball shirt and SnapBack combo," he says holding onto the rim of his hat.

"Douglas?" I ask as he is walking behind me.

"Nivarna and skinnys all the way!"

"You be loving my check shirt don't you Mel," Danny says.

"I think James and Harry have gone on a similar theme," Matt says, pointing at their skinny jean and T-shirts.

"Matts being individual though," I say with a laugh, showing the lens his black rolled jeans and leather jacket. With his white t-shirt underneath he looks a bit like a T-bird.

We quickly reach the entrance gate and Harry shows the invitation to the man behind the counter. He is about 20, and I assume he is a student, with quiffed hair.

"You are the first ones here, have a good day," he says and we go into the park.

"Well mini Judd, where to first?" Harry asks me.

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