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IM SORRY. IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS IN SO LONG. Heck you'd think summer to be the perfect time to be able to update, by no. My summer is the one time I'm barely allowed on my phone, making it almost impossible to update without staying up late into the night and then making excuses as to why I've been sleeping for so long the next morning. So I'm really sorry, but I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can. So look forward to baking with Jack and Y/N next time this updates! I'm also working on another story that once again started as a dream, like most of my ideas do, and it's both a Jack x reader and a Mark x reader, which is REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DO, since the two readers are separate people and I have to remind myself which /N I'm supposed to be using when I use it. I'm thinking of waiting until that one's complete to release it though. If you feel I should release it in parts like this one has been type "my name is Connor." in the comments. Also I've been thinking about doing a DBH themed Jack x reader story. Do you guys feel I should do it? I'd be happy to, of course. If you think I should type "Hank is drunk." in the comments. I hope you guys have been enjoying ZombieBoi130 and her lovely stories! I've been reading her books since the early stages of oneshot book number 2, and have read everything she has written because it is wonderful. Tag her if you enjoyed her books! If you haven't read them yet, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! She is extremely talented in comparison to me. You should be over there right now reading her stuff! I don't know her personally, but she's really good at what she does, and I enjoy every bit of it. Anyways, that's all for now! Have fun guys!

- a human

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