Mario Kart

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Jack's POV

Day 6

I don't know why, but as the days went by I seemed to get more and more vibrant. It felt like I was completely restored a few days ago. I knew better though. The pictures on my walls showed me a few tones darker than this. Still though, it was a weird experience. Kinda like something that would happen in a video game, or a book maybe.

"Jack?" Y/N startled me out of my thoughts. "You ok there? You look a bit distracted."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking that it seems like I'm getting brighter and more vibrant than... before all of this. It's a weird feeling." I couldn't really find a way to explain it, seeing as there's no way anyone could've ever experienced it before. Y/N nods, seeming to get what I was saying.

"Watching it is just as weird, I can tell you that." Y/N agreed. "Then again, seeing you without any color was the weirdest. It looks like you're about done with the process though." Y/N seemed... sad somehow. Like she knew something bad was going to happen. Seeing it brings up the feelings from last night, and suddenly everything's awkward. Say something goddamnit.

"Since I have a switch and all, wanna play a few games? I have Mario Kart." Y/N lit up, a devilish smile on her face. (Irony none of you get)

"I don't know. I don't think such a noob at gaming would be able to beat a pro like me." Did. She. Just. An insult like that is not thrown lightly.

"Oh it's on." And with that a Mario Kart battle had begun. We raced each other for hours, neither of us willing to give up the crown to the other. By the end of the day we were still tied. We held one last match, and I was winning for the majority of it, but right at the last second Y/N threw a blue shell at me, giving her just enough time to jump in front, winning the match.

"Ha! Yes!" Y/N threw her hands up in the air, celebrating her victory while I slumped in defeat. Damn she's good. I noticed she had this beautiful beaming smile that lit up the whole room. I smiled, grateful that I could see such a beautiful sight.

Little did I know it would be one of her last.

And heartcrushing cliffhanger. That's probably no good. I hope you guys like everything so far. Anyways I gotta go, so see ya!

-a human

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