Rape and Singing

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Tord's P.O.V
I'm gonna ask Kimberly about rape. Her rape. I don't really feel comfortable asking her, but she's my friend. I care about her. I can't just let people drag her around like a rag doll...
I walk over to her room and check the time. 3:48 am. Ok, she is awake. I know that because she is always sleeping 4:00- 11:00am. She is about to fall asleep, I better hurry up. "I know you're made oooooof, looooooooove, ooooooh, and I'm stronger, *cough cough* than... You..." She stopped singing. Then, she started talking to herself. "Dear, mind diary. Today was... good. Ish. I kissed Russel, and then... Well, I can't say loud, but... It happened again. I got raped. I mean, I'm scared. Guys take fucking advantage of me just because I have... Fuckin' depression! But, here's how it happened... I was sitting on the porch after the guys left to get my birthday presents, after Russel left, (which holy shit, he's gay?!) And some guy kissed me and he forced my pants down, and... He stuck it inside me. And... Squirted. I, uh, might be pregnant. I have NO fucking clue. But I bought tests and so I will test in the morning. Technically 11:00 in the morning. Ok, bye." She stopped. I bursted open her door. She gasped, and I closed the door. "Kimberly. Is it... True?" I asked. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, OK?! WHY DO YOU LOVE ME SO MUCH!??!?!" She screamed. She stomped off to the bathroom with a small box. "Never mind, I'll check now, Jesus..."
3 minutes later...
Kimberly came out of the bathroom in tears. "What?!" I asked eagerly. "I-I can't believe it. I'm pregnant." She started to sob. "Its ok, we will watch him, like, us be it's uncles or something!" I smiled.

What the actual fucc have I created.

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