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3rd Person!
Liangel and Kimberly were taking a vacation to see a flowers exhibit.
He went to his favorite section, the daisies. "Mom, these are really pretty. Can I buy some?" He held up his money. "Yeah, go ask the cashier." She said. He walked over to the register. "Excuse me, may I buy 6 daisies please?" He said to the man. "Look, kid. Boys aren't allowed to buy flowers because the flowers are for girls. So unless your a girl in boy clothes, shoo." The man said. "Wait-- Boys aren't allowed to-- you, sir, are disrespecting gender roles, so please. Can I. Have. Some daisies?" Liangel asked once again. "Kid, I'm not losing my job just because some idiot kid begs me for daisies. That isn't happening, so go. Away!" The man shouted. Liangel teared up. "Hey, I'm a boy who WANTS to be a girl!" He stomped off with tears running down his face.
"What's wrong, where are the daisies you wanted?" Kimberly asked. "The man at the *sniff* counter didn't let me have any. He said that they... THEY ONLY GIVE THEM TO GIRRRRLS!" He started to sob. "Its ok, let's go look at the roses!" She said and brought him to the roses.
His face lit up as he saw the bright color-assorted flowers. He went to one that looked like a sparkly pink and grabbed it. "Ouch!" He said quickly. "Be careful, Liangel, Roses Have Thorns. They poke people, like tiny swords." Kimberly explained. "Huh." He shrugged.

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