Meeting Dad

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The next morning, Kimberly avoided getting out of bed. "9:00. 9:00. 9:00." She kept saying. "What's at 9:00?" Liangel asked. "Your father is coming. Here." She responded. "Oh. Yeah, right." Liangel blinked.
Ding dong!
"Dammit, it's 9:12. I forgot to check the time..." Kimberly got out of bed. She heard Tom answer the door. "Who are you?" He asked. "I-I'm here for Kimberly." The man said. "Eric. Why. Are you. Here?!" Kimberly shouted. Tom backed away, trying not to get involved. "Mom? Who's Eric?" Liangel asked. "Oh. Liangel, Eric is... Your father. Eric, meet OUR son..." She sighed. "Lian... Gel? That's his name?" Eric scoffed. "Yeah, you got a problem with it, bitch?" Kimberly shouted. "Yeah, I do got a problem. Our son has the most GAY name EVER!" He shouted back. Liangel backed away. His father just insulted his beliefs. "Well, LUCKY YOU, HE IS, AND HE IS MY GAY MIRACLE!" Kimberly screamed. "Is everything ok, Kimberly?" The guys asked. (I'm stupid- the guys meaning Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord) "OH, KIMBERLY, YOU'RE SUCH A SLUT! NOW YOUR DATING  F O U R  GUYS?!" Eric yelled. Kimberly gasped and so did the guys. "T-these... These are the people who adopted me after my father died." She started to cry. "Woah, Its ok, Kim! Don't cry just because this guy is being an ASS." Tord calmed her down. "I-I can't even." Kimberly ran to her room, leaving Liangel and the guys behind. "You hurt my mom. She is a kind-hearted woman with a good haircut. She respects me and what I love. You don't give a damn! I fucking hate people like you. It feels good to swear. Especially at you, asshole. PUTA! (Spanish for bitch I think)" Liangel said. The guys stared at him with jaws wide open. "Huh." Tord blinked.
"You little fuckin-" "TOUCH HIM AND YOU'LL HAVE A BAD DAY." Tord said. The others joined in and said "Yeah."
"Ok, Jesus." Eric cringed and walked to Kimberly's room, where she was sobbing. Tape was heard, Windows were opened, beds creaked and squeaked. Cries were made.

What else was made?

A sibling for Liangel.

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