i. march 3rd, 2017.

105 13 8

MARCH 3RD, 2017.


out of all people to talk to, i doubt you want to talk to me. yes, it's been a day since we've split and i've already begun to miss you. hell, i missed you as soon as you walked out that door.

thing is, you never know really how much you miss something or someone until you've lost them. i see that more clearly now than ever. all i can really do is apologize, and you know what for. i think our neighbours even know what for now.

people must be wondering what happened to us. we used to be the ultimate "otp" for many, until the split. have you announced it to the world yet? have you kept the split secret so far? i guess you must've kept it secret since no one on e!news has written an article about it.

i saw that you had an interview set for today. not that it'll matter much to you, but i'll be watching with my heart in my throat. i'll be watching you out there, laughing away with the host of the show, while i sit here and wish i was up there with you. while i wish i was cuddling on my couch once more with you.

not that you'll care if i'm watching or not, i just want you to know. i don't even know if you'll end up reading this letter since you'll know who it's from as soon as you receive it. but if you are, just know i'm already missing you and that i need you here more than ever.

you were my rock, tom. the one person who kept me steady. thank you for the good times, though. hopefully you're reading these and knowing that i'm being sincere.


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