xx. april 2nd, 2017.

32 4 0

APRIL 2ND, 2017.


wow. it's officially been a month since the blinding, earth-shattering, heartbreaking split. and yet, i've been here still pleading for you.

make it stop, please! i'm begging you now to make it stop!

i just don't wanna hurt anymore when i see a picture of you. i don't want my heart to sink anymore when i walk around my house. i don't want to be doing laundry, stumble upon a pair of your jeans and sob because it's the only few things of yours that i have left.

i don't even care if you don't write back anymore... i just need you to make it stop.

it hurts too much and i can't take it much longer. i've lost so much weight someone could mistake me for anorexic, and that's not good at all. i've wasted so much money, tossed it down the drain, because i was thinking of you.

because i was hurting.

please, make it stop.

that's all i want besides you anymore.

because once i have that, i'd get over you.


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