xiv. march 27th, 2017.

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MARCH 27TH, 2017.


another day passes and all i do is look at my body and feel miserable. it's crazy how much you still effect me and it's been so long since i've last seen you.

i stay away from as much media as possible, so i've officially become a shut in, hermit. i don't check my mail anymore since i know you're not writing and all that comes in is the occasional hate mail and the bills i have yet to pay this month. i'm a little late, but i'll do it eventually.

after all, i went out and managed to score a job working at that mod pizza place down near broadway. the one we passed by and said we'd eat out but never did? yeah, that one. the pay is low, but it's enough to pay for the few bills i need. i don't really need the wifi bill anymore since i am sticking away from media and such. it's whatever, though.

i just want to explain.


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