xi. march 22nd, 2017

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MARCH 22ND, 2017.


i've gotten back into my old habits of picking up a pencil and deciding to write to you everyday. only this time i believe it's gonna stay a bad habit.

it would be nice to even see you write a simple "hi", to me on a letter and send that. it would ease my state of mind, but at the same time, i have a bad feeling that it would make me miss you more than i already do. which, considering all things given, i think that's pretty hard to top.

i watched another one of your interviews that you filmed last night. it made me chuckle a few times, but only because you were. doesn't that show how in sync we are? doesn't that show that were meant to be together? i hate to plead and beg like this... but i really can't get over you tom holland.

like i said many days ago, two days felt like a year. well, twenty-one days now feels like it's been five years. i miss your laugh, i miss your goofy smile.

i miss waking up beside you.

i never used you for the fame, no matter how much you or your fanatic fans want to believe that. the hate mail keeps rolling in and yet again, i find myself smiling at their harmful words.

no, i'm not depressed to the point that i've cut myself. that's not where that was heading. i quit doing that over seven years ago, and i told you about that because i trust you. you didn't tell anyone, did you? no, because someone would've mentioned it by now.

i copy every single one of these letters that i've written so i can put them in a book. a book tilted "missing the one". just for the hell of it.

did you ever tell zendaya hi for me?


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