vii. march 9th, 2017.

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MARCH 9TH, 2017.


do you still listen to our song like i do?

now it just makes me sad... makes me want to give up on trying to move on. i think mentally that i've already given up on that.

i got fired from my job down working at the daycare. i remember the day you visited me there and looked around at the children. most of them knew you as spider-man, and after they found out that we were together, they began to chirp about a 'mrs. spider-man'.

i remember that the night we went home, you took me to our bed and laid with me. you told me about how much you'd love to have a kid with me, but it seems that now that'll never happen. i had never wanted kids before i met you, and when you'd spoken of them, your big, curious brown puppy-dog eyes widened and sparkled like the stars above. that might've been what pulled me down to earth with you... i'd been staying in the stars too long. that, and the excitement in your voice when you talked about having kids with me. kids, plural.

i hold on to all our conversations now that i'm growing desperate. it's only been eight days without you and i'm going mad. you see what you do to me, thomas stanley holland?

the stars haven't quite realigned for me yet. maybe for you, if you've moved on and forgotten about me. after my letter gets sent off and delivered to you, i always check my mailbox and get all sad when i realize there's no letter from you. on the days the mail gets delivered and i happen to be there, i flood the truck driver with random facts as she or he picks through the mail for me to see if i had gotten anything from you. everyone who's worked on delivering mail down our street.. well, my street... knows our story by now. i don't suppose you care if they know anymore, since word has really gotten out now.

i've even received hate mail from some of your fanatic fans, i've noticed. but it doesn't effect me in the same way it should've whenever someone else who's well-known gets hate mail. in fact, i enjoyed reading some of the hateful things they threw at me... it brought me back to reality. but it also just made me miss being with you.

the haters are right....

i didn't deserve you.


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