xvi. march 29th, 2017.

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MARCH 29TH, 2017.


somehow, i decided to keep writing to you. i guess it makes me feel connected to you somehow. i mean, i know you're reading them so at least my messages are coming through to you.

my friend, the one you remember that got married last year? she came to me today, and announced that she was having a baby.

all it did was remind me of the plans we'd made to have kids when we were a little older. it's amazing that we'd already sorted out their names. peter or benjamin if it was a boy... and may or addison if it was a girl. you remember that?

thinking about the future children i'm never gonna get to have with you makes me want to crawl under my comforter and never come out again. which isn't much different than what i'm already doing, but it's the same thing.

i miss you.

i always have.


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