xv. march 28th, 2017.

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MARCH 28TH, 2017.


i'd like to think that some day i'll forget about you. hell, i'm all for that. it hurts too much to think about you anymore anyways, so it might be best for me to forget about you. about our relationship.

sometimes, creepily enough, i still hear your melodic laughter ringing through the halls. i still hear your british voice changing in different pitches as you talked to harrison about the possibility of another upcoming spider-man movie. you were always so proud and fond of those movies, you even told me you used to love the spider-man movies when you were around eight or nine.

i have now found myself at the bottom of a jameson whiskey bottle. i'm not drunk, just slightly tipsy, and this is all to forget you. i haven't drunk much, considering i was just pronounced of-age to drink on my birthday, which was last month. i remember the surprise party you threw for me.. you invited my favourite cousins over to our house and we all shared a few drinks, even you, though you aren't of legal age either. it's hard to believe that you're barely turning twenty-one this next month.

and i hate that i still remember everything about you, even without the media.

why can't i just forget about you? i used to be this unstoppable force, this person that wouldn't have been kept down by something as silly as a break up like this .

perhaps it's the real reason we broke up, or perhaps it's the fact that you were the first person outside of my family that i loved. or perhaps it's all these happy memories and talks of children or getting married and stuff.

all lost beneath the stars.


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