Karaoke Consequence part 1

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Melissa's POV:
" wow that was fun we should do it again soon" I say as I looked at Chris when turned back facing everyone. What has been going on with Chris and I. Chyler says that he has feelings for me and that I like him too. Yeah right psf. I'm married to Blake. OMG BLAKE it's 1:30am. He's going to kill me I have to go home. " Guys I have to go umm it's getting late and Blake is waiting" as soon as I mention Blake Chris looked at me and then on the floor I could tell that it bothered him. Chyler then backed me up and said
" yeah I have to go back to the apartment and see if the kids are up and we have to get up early for work".

Chris POV:
We're just about to leave as we head out I see Melissa checking her phone every couple seconds I can tell that something is bothering her. " ok I have to go now see you guys tomorrow" Melissa says as she walked away. " guys let's not mention tonight on social media. Don't post pictures or on your story because Blake might get um... he might get sad or angry that Mel stayed a long time and we really don't want to start up anything". Everyone agrees and heads home but I don't have a good feeling about that Blake guy especially because Melissa has been coming to set a little bit strange and suspicious.

Melissa's POV:
I get home ASAP worried that Blake will do something that he'll hit me again. I get home and I see that the lights are out so I think to myself that Blake is sleeping and so I took off my shoes to not make any noise and I walk into our bedroom.
And I see Blake awake waiting for me.

He looks at me and asks me yelling "where were you?" I was going to tell him the truth but I panicked I was afraid that if I tell the truth that he'll hit me or worse. So I just blurred out " I was on set we had to do extra scenes because Jeremy was making us laugh and messing up the takes".

He looked at me when then laid back and went to bed. The next morning I woke up smiling and then I looked at my phone and saw Chris sending me a message saying that last night was fun. And then I remembered that I had a dream about Chris and in that dream we were...

" YOU LYING BITCH!" I hear Blake yelling and barging in to my room. " YOU SAID YOU WERE ON SET LAST NIGHT BUT THIS VIDEO SAYS OTHERWISE" I look at the computer someone recorded Chris and I singing at karaoke Night titled "Karamel is real. Star Melissa Benoist and Co-Worker Chris Wood sing a romantic song ' thousand years' together".

It was all over the internet I look at my phone to see my Instagram blowing up with notifications. I think I was having a mini heart attack. Blake went on my bed and slapped me as I fell down and he kicked me and hit me again till I had a black eye then I saw a empty beer and I grabbed it hit him in the face and I took my phone and car keys and I ran. I went to Chylers apartment that's the only place right now that I feel safe.

Chylers POV:
  " Hey baby I love you WOW did you eat all your breakfast I'm proud of you kiddo" * the door bell rang* " hang on sweetheart someone's at the door" I walk up and opened the door and I saw Melissa face. Still in her PJs. I dropped my phone and everything went into slow motion...

To be continued...

Authors Note:
I was going to make this only one part but it was so long so I decided to make it two parts. I hope you like this chapter. You guys are the best. Stay tuned to see what will happen to Melissa and what will Chyler do.

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