Who really did it.

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Melissa's POV:
I've come down to the station and I got asked standard questions.

When was the last time you saw Chris?
A couple minutes after he- *melissa stops and hesitates and a tears fell down her beautiful face* I'm sorry...
That's ok take your time. Do you know anyone who would want to do this to Chris? Any enemies that might have had it out for him?
Well in the industry that we work in so get our fair share of haters but Chris. Everyone that ever worked with Chris loved him. He's the funniest person you'll ever meet, he's caring and understanding *melissa began to smile* and no matter what your history is he gave people a second chance and he stands up to people. He stood up to me when B- oh my god... Blake my ex husband well he's still my husband our divorce didn't go through. Omg I cant believe he'll do that. Well actually is it bad that I do believe he could do that.
What's his full name?
Blake Alexander Jenner
Do you know where we could find him?
yeah at his house here's the address *Melissa gives the the address and then they go to arrest Blake*

1 hour later:
Melissa's POV:
Hey baby... you gotta wake up ok. They're on there way to arrest Blake. YOU CANT LET HIM WIN YOU HEAR ME. You have to wake up. I keep thinking about how we left things what our last words were and it can't be that. I I wanted time to think and I have and I can't imagine my life with out you in it. I can't believe that son of a bitch I can't believe he *her eyes grew bigger as I filled with tears* I did this it wasn't Blake I did it if it wasn't for me you would have been here right now. But I left him if I didn't leave him then you would be here right I put you in a coma I DID IT. *melissa starts sobbing as Chyler walked in the room* IM SO SORRY CHRIS IM SORRY.

Chylers POV:
I walk in the room to check on Chris and I see Melissa holding his hand and blaming herself "hey hey it wasn't your fault" I say as mel response "yes it is I left Blake and he wanted revenge so he took it out on the one person that I ever Lo... I did it it was all me" Melissa starts sobbing even more as I pull in and hug her. "No you didn't do this to him. He was heartbroken over what happened with his Ex until he met you those few weeks months that you guys were together is that happiness he's ever been and if you haven't left Blake then he would be heartbroken and sad all the time and he wouldn't have had the courage that he got from you by the way to start his campaign so no Mel you didn't put him in a coma you saved him." I say. " I did" Melissa says in the most innocent voice you'll ever hear "yeah you did and just wait till he wakes up and have you by his side I bet that's worth going through what he's going through right now" *ring ring Melissa's phone starts to ring* "it's the cops it's probably them telling me that they caught Blake... Hey officer did you get him... what you mean..."

{to be continued"

OOF SORRY I didn't update in a while I promise I will update the new chapter soon. Hey Piper I UPDATED!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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