The surgery

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Chylers POV:
I've been waiting for 6 and a half hours the last time someone updated me was an hour ago telling me that she was stable. Thank god Melissa told the doctors that they could tell me what's going on with her surgery because I'm not family. I would have gone crazy not knowing what's going on. Finally I see the doctor that operated on Mel come he didn't have a happy face expression, he kept looking down and looked nervous to tell me what happened.

" Dr. Shepherd what's going on? What happened? Is she ok? When can I see her?" A million questions coming out of my mouth. "Chyler umm... Melissa developed a bleeding" he says. " yeah that's why you opened her up because you had to stop the bleeding" I say confused and nervous. " no we stopped that bleeding and then we saw some of her intestine and stomach and we were able to stop them but she was under to long. She lost her pulse...". " SHES DEAD NO SHE CANT BE!" And before I started freaking out he says " NO Chyler she's not dead I managed to get the bleeding under control and I resuscitated her until she got her pulse back".

Then I say " so she's not dead" with a tear down my face. " no she's not dead but she was under for too long and now she's in a brain coma." The last words hit me I felt dizzy and I wanted to scream and break every thing in this hospital but I couldn't. " What's her BP? does she have any brain activity?" I ask " how did you..." he says. Then I reply " you play a doctor for 4 years you bound to pick up somethings". He smiled and said "she has brain activity thank god so they'll most likely wake up it's just a matter of time and her wanting to wake up because from now it's up to her. I can you take you to see her if you want" yeah I say please and we head to Mel's room.

She had a bunch of tubes " she's on a ventilator" I say. " yeah how did... acting doctor right. So I'm guessing you know why she's on a ventilator".
"Yeah, she cant breathe by herself the ventilator is breathing for her". "That's right it is. Do you want me to call Melissa's parents or family or friends?" He says. " no. She told me to wait a 2 weeks then to call her parents. I'm just going to call our boss and tell them what happened and that we won't be able to make it and tell them not to tell anyone" the doctor said ok and left.

"Hey, Mel you gotta wake up. ok we need to go back to work and if you wake up you'll live with me. It'll be just us eating ice cream and talking about boys. And speaking of boys Chris has been blowing up your phone. I told him that your visiting your parents. Psf no I didn't look through your phone. Yeah ok fine I did but I my defense you didn't tell me not to or you didn't try and stop me. To soon yeah to soon." I see someone coming to our room I thought it was the doctor so I say " No she's not awake but her vitals are good and stable" and then I see that it wasn't the doctor it was...

Watching Greys Anatomy finally payed off. See MOM I DID LEARN SOMETHING FROM WATCHING TV. anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. Any guesses on who came to the hospital?

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