Karaoke Consequence part 2

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Chylers POV:
I see Melissa's face and I dropped my phone. My heart was beating so fast and all I was thinking at that moment was that I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. I pick up the phone in shock and I say " baby I got to go Aunt Melissa is here" and then I hung up the phone.

I looked at her and you would not even recognize her on the street. Her face was so swollen and purple that her eye is shut and the other eye is black she is bleeding from her lip and nose. She was wearing her shorts PJs and her leg was so bruised and you can tell she's been kicked in the guts because of the way she's standing.

And the first thing I said to her was "wtf happened Mel". I sat her down and she looked at me and started just started crying and I just held her and kept telling her everything is going to be okay as I rubbed her back.

20 minuets later of crying Melissa stopped and I told her " explain EVERYTHING, don't leave a single detail and you better give me a good reason to not murder that son of a bitch."

Melissa POV:
I didn't know where to start. Where do I start she wanted me to talk about him beating me but he's always beating me every single day. So I just start from the day when we went Karaoke. And I managed to tell her everything and only cried once.

I told her how every time some touches me and it doesn't have to be in a inappropriate place I get startled and I kinda start to panic but I focus on my breathing.

After I'm done telling her everything that's happened
she told me "how long has he been beating me?" And I say "umm... it's.. complicated Chy". " no Melissa it's really not, when did he start hitting you?" I took me a few seconds but I said " about 10 months" I said looking down on the floor not being able to look her in the eye with the one eye that I can open.

" TEN MONTHS WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE HIM MELISSA. WHY? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING NOT COMING TO ME OR TO ANYONE!!?" Chyler said losing all her calm. " WELL ITS NOT THAT EASY CHY. * now she starts talking at a calm voice with a couple tears going down her face and her voice cracking* He manipulated me making me believe that it's my fault somehow that I caused and deserves things beating I... I couldn't just abandon him after he lost his job he's just doing this because he lost his job and he feels like he's not supporting me." Chyler looks at me and I was ready for her to start yelling at me but she didn't. " your making excuses Melissa. What if the cards were reversed and I was the one who's been beating me what would you do... you would tell me go get the hell out of the house go to the cops and get a divorce. But the cards aren't switched and your the one in the abusive home. Is that really want you want. You play Supergirl you inspire A LOT of people to be better and inspire girls that they could do anything and that they have an equally voice. Do you really want them to look at you and see a person... see their role model being abused and her not doing anything about it."  Chyler said in a calm low voice. Then I respond no.

Melissa's POV:
Chylers on the phone talking to the hospital letting them know that we need a room available and we want it somewhere that's not close to any doors to the outside because we don't want the paparazzi to find us. The last thing I need is this being on the social media.

Chyler lends me some of her clothes but it doesn't fit me because of how swollen I am. "We're the same size it's nothing is fitting you" then she saw her old maternity dress that she had when she was pregnant with Anniston and it fits me. I put in a scarf around my face and I woke sun glasses. And that covered some of my face so the paparazzi doesn't notice me.

We get to the hospital and we check in. And then the doctor came go see us. " oh my god how did this happen to you. I have to call the cops" he said. " NO! You can't call the cops if you call the cops then everyone's going to find out it'll be all over the news and the paparazzi will be all over the hospital and it'll cause chaos" I replied. " can't you just wait a little and give us time" Chyler says. " fine, but we'll have to call the cops sooner or later it's protocol" he pauses a second and then he asks me what happened and I told him that my husband kept hitting me and everything and then he checked my pupil dilation and everything then he said to the nurse " order a CBS, a head MRI, EKJ..." and then he took a ultrasound and saw that I was bleeding and that I had to have surgery ASAP. And then he had to go and a nurse and a couple residents came and prepped me for surgery. Chyler asked me who to call and I said no one. I don't want anyone to find out not yet anyways.

Doctor POV:
  "This poor girl is been beaten by her husband multiple time. You can tell by her scans that she's been hit a lot of times." I say to the other doctors in the OR. " You know she plays a Superhero on TV." A resident told me " she plays Supergirl. My daughters watch that show nun stop they have a freaking poster of her in their room. They look up to her they keep telling me that I want to be just like Melissa Benoist when I grow up. I want to play a superhero and inspire people. My whole family watches her on Monday nights. She doesn't deserve this". " no one does" I reply. *the machine starts beeping and her vitals are going down and he starts bleeding non stop* " SUCTION! I can't find the source of the bleeding. Hang two units of blood. she's going to V tach" I say. " She doesn't have a pulse" *beeeeeep the machine goes* " starts CPR and give me paddles * a person gives the paddles and says charged*
" CLEAR. nothing CLEAR come on Melissa come on"
"doctor she's..."

{ to be continued}

Authors note: Sorry guys I haven't update in a while I have a lot of things to do. This chapter was SO LONG it took me 2 hours to write 1169 words. I hope you guys liked it! Melissa has no pulse!!!

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